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Member Since 12 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2010 10:40 AM

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In Topic: PS:T corruption on spells

13 January 2010 - 09:49 AM

Yeah no big deal.  I got everything reinstalled just how I want it.  It all works great now, thanks so much!

In Topic: PS:T corruption on spells

13 January 2010 - 06:53 AM

Well, it's almost perfect.  I started getting 1528 assertion errors when entering buildings soon after getting it all to work.

I'm going to chalk it up to reinstalling your ui mod, as well as the widescreen mod quite a few times (and other stuff) while trying to get it all working.

I'll get it all reinstalled from scratch and see how it goes.  Thanks again.

In Topic: PS:T corruption on spells

13 January 2010 - 04:44 AM

SON OF A...  If I could kick my own butt, I'd do it.

So, what happens, when you bring up the d3dwindower, the emulation is already on.  I was hitting the play button, thinking I was turning it on, when I was actually turning it off.

Unbelievable.  Anyway, it works perfectly now, spells and all.  Ghostdog, you're a man among men.  Thanks!

In Topic: PS:T corruption on spells

12 January 2010 - 10:05 PM

I noticed you didn't have anything put in for Height/Width, so I deleted that out of mine and it still didn't work.  Everything is exactly the way you have it, yet when I launch, the came still comes up fullscreen.

I went a step further and tried deleting the profiles out of Nhancer and the Nvidia control panel, even tried running both Torment and d3dwindower in XP service pack 2 compatibility...nothing.  It still comes up fullscreen.

Just to be clear here, the d3d windower does work in conjunction to the widescreen mod stuff and recommended mods from this site, correct?

In Topic: PS:T corruption on spells

12 January 2010 - 07:45 AM

Thanks for the reply...

Nope, it's still set to "Fullscreen=1".  FYI, I tried reinstalling the widescreen mod and your mod at 1024 x 768 (I was at 1920 x 1200) to see if lower res would help.  No dice obviously.

I don't know why the d3dwindower isn't doing anything.  I added torment.exe as the app, height = 768, width = 1024, set the dll to the d3dhook, window mode ticked, ddraw emulate ticked, and cursor clip ticked just like you described.  I turned the emulation on, then hit run program... and the game starts normally, like it did before I got the d3dwindower.  I'd rather not run it in a window but it's better than nothing if it works.

Maaaan, this blows.  I was really getting into it.  Spent a few hours doing quests till I found my first mage and found out spells were screwy.

here's my ini, if that helps.  Also, I have BG2 installed and I don't have any issues with it.. if that helps.




[Game Options]
Mouse Scroll Speed=50
GUI Feedback Level=5
Locator Feedback Level=3
Command Sounds Frequency=3
Selection Sounds Frequency=3
Bored Timeout=3000
Always Dither=1
Keyboard Scroll Speed=50
Effect Text Level=62
Attack Sounds=1
Auto Pause State=0
Difficulty Level=3
Quick Item Mapping=1
Always Run=1
Memory Access=100
Memory Level=1
Health Bar Settings=63
Environmental Audio=1
Sound Processing=1
Music Processing=1

[Program Options]
Sprite Mirror=1
Gamma Correction=0
Brightness Correction=0
Volume Movie=100
Volume Music=100
Volume Voices=100
Volume Ambients=100
Volume SFX=100
Strref On=0
Screen Position X=0
Screen Position Y=0
Full Screen=1
Path Search Nodes=32000
Maximum Frame Rate=40
Translucent Shadows=0