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Member Since 11 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2010 06:42 AM

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BGT Movement Glitches

20 January 2010 - 11:14 AM

Ack my first real post is a help post :(. Anyway I'm having some issues with movement bugs in BGT (it's the most basic BGT install, BG + TotSC & BG2 + ToB plus the official patches, nothing else). I managed to get through all of BG1 without any trouble however in SOA I have run into a few different issues all related to movement.

First Minsc started bugging in that he would stop moving and turn to face a member of my party but do nothing (fixed that by dropping him and telling him to return to the copper coronet), second Keldorn ran into a minor issue where every few steps he would pause for a split second and then continue (the walking animation reset to standing still and then he started again), though this seemed to fix itself at some point it just wasn't enough of an issue to bother about. Now finally I have run into another bug after the Drow illusion in the underdark by Adalon, similar to Minsc the PC stops after a few feet and has to be told to move again, now I'm pretty sure this one is a documented bug caused by the polymorph effect of the illusion and fixed by the SOA patch (and thus included in the ToB patch - which I installed as per the BGT instructions?).

I wonder if this is an issue other BGT users have run into or if I have missed a patch somewhere. From what I can gather in the readme I shouldn't have installed any SOA patches as they are made redundant by the ToB patch I did install, hopefully I got that bit right. If anybody knows of this issue that would be great but if not should I try repatching with the SOA or ToB patch? I did try searching the site but it doesn't seem to be working and a google site: search didn't turn up anything :(. Thanks for any help you can offer, I will fast track through the underdark to see if the bug disappears when the illusion is removed but I can't understand why it would occur when I installed a patch that specifically mentions fixing that issue.

Thanks again!

P.S. Why am I playing without the fixpacks ect ect...? I have just come back to the game after a long time, I wanted to play through the vanilla game once before I added fixes and mods for some planned subsequent playthroughs.