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Member Since 10 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 13 2010 11:32 AM

Topics I've Started

BWP Setup stops incomplete

10 January 2010 - 03:25 PM

I've cleanly reinstalled BG1 and 2 with patches, and followed the instructions at each step for removing UAC and the other hassles of Vista. The BWP setup starts up properly, goes through all it needs to and starts up the install, which pulls up the full list of 'recommended' mods I wanted to install. The series of confirmations/Dosboxes at the end of the setup pop up and close themselves properly, then it begins the Big World Install. Mid way through the install, three separate times now the installation has stopped at a specific point, and no CPU/memory is dedicated to the cmd anymore. If I close the cmd and try to boot up BG, Trilogy has not been applied, and trying to re-run the setup put up some statement that a previous installation had failed and to start over (don't remember exactly).
Weidu log is attached.
BiG World log is 12.3 MB, so can't upload it here. Attached the last few pages of it in 'BiG World Debug End Clip'.

Windows Vista
Installing outside Program Files, with anti-virus off and UAC off as well
Full installation, 'recommended' mods
Stops mid install, post Setup

I'm fully expecting that I did something incredibly stupid, this is the eighth or ninth time I've tried to get this running and while I've been able to figure out what I did wrong the first 5-6 times there's probably something else wrong. I'm leaving it open, but its stayed frozen there for about 1.5 hours now so I kinda doubt its just going to up and start going again.