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The Black

Member Since 08 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 16 2010 04:17 PM

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In Topic: The game CTD when assassin necromancer use a rod

16 April 2010 - 04:17 PM

I have tried the automatic install a bunch of times and only got it working once, unfortunately that time i didn't like some of the results so I uninstalled BG2 deleted everything and tried again and it never worked (i tried with both 8.2 and 8.3). So i gave up the last time it stopped at the point that the install.bat file should kick in and just installed everything manually, basically hoping that the Fixpack was installed already but skipping some (if not all) of the mods that were specified in the PDF as needing it.

In Topic: The game CTD when assassin necromancer use a rod

16 April 2010 - 01:36 PM



This is basically a Big world project 8.3 custom install (manually following the PDF) where i skipped some of the mods that demand the fix packs as they were not flagged as essential also i skipped most of the NPC as i really find them annoying especially as there is no option for freeing people from Ireanicus dungeon without having to accept them in to the party and still be able to meet them later again.

Any way most of the installs that you comment on are doing the same thing are installed in parts (hopefully not mutually exclusive to one another) following the aforementioned PDF hopefully not messing it upp to much during the install.

The system is Windows Vista businesses 64 bit and the game is installed in a game folder outside of the program files folders and I have had no such problems earlier.

One other thing, which mod if any does an encounters such as i described in my first post belong to? To few of these mods provide any kind of information about what encounters to expect and when in the game, I realize that most gamers might think of it as cheating if that is possible to read somewhere but it would make it easier to trace problems with the mods.