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Member Since 08 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2010 11:26 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: BiG World Setup Beta-Testing

03 June 2010 - 09:53 AM

I noticed that we can change which mods are fixed in the mod.ini file under the Big wold setup/config folder. Just go to the mod you want to unlock and remove the "F" in the Type list. I'm not saying this is a good fix, but it will do until a new version is released :)

In Topic: Moving Widescreen to end

03 June 2010 - 07:31 AM

Well, I gave my installation to 2 other people so we had the exact same files to play multiplayer with and what I did was run the widescreen mod's Weidu Setup file after the complete installation (Widescreen mod integrated in the original install). I changed the values for the correct resolution and it appeared to install the remaining mods that came after in order again. Played through the entire BG1 and no issues.

In Topic: BiG World Setup Beta-Testing

03 June 2010 - 07:21 AM

Found another bug, sort of blocking me from completing my setup. I didn't want to edit the above post because they do describe different things and I wasn't sure anyone had read it yet, possibly missing the following)

When I import or reload my selection, the ToB Hacks components are all checked and can't be unchecked (yes, using the latest version available). Now, three of those components are actually not recommended or included in other mods (Spell Revision for example). It would be nice to either import these right (preferable) or be able to uncheck boxes of this mod's components.

And another thing. When I finished downloading the mods in my install list, it gave me errors on two (as described above). I went through the step to select the files manually on my HD, which worked fine. But then, at the end of this step, the setup still told me that it would be removing the mods from the install list ("r") or exit ("e"). I went with exit hoping this would start the batch installer, but it just closed on me and stopped working. Am I doing something wrong here or did a bug sneak in?

In Topic: BiG World Setup Beta-Testing

03 June 2010 - 06:51 AM

The download links for Volcanic Armoury, Enhanced BG2 and Shed's Mods - A Forgotten Wars Mod v1.02 are defect. I downloaded them manually, which works just fine.

These should be:

Volcanic Armoury: http://download22.me...ArmouryV1.0.rar (but being Mediafire, this URL can easily change after a while)
Enhanced BG2: ftp://eros.gram.pl/bg2/Enhanced_BG2_v1.1.zip (this link works manually, but not through the setup's downloader. Selecting the file afterwards reports a file size inconsistency, but my download worked fine)

(I've edited this a million times while installing sorry :P)

In Topic: [In-Game-Bug-Tracking] BiG World Project (BWP) v9.1

03 June 2010 - 05:08 AM

I guess even though the XP problem is showing up after installing SCSII, there's still a possibility that it's not directly the cause of the problem but rather an incompatibility problem when installing it together with the other remaining ones in your list :/ Trying to install the components one by one is a good way to check, but don't go over all 90 of them, that's crazy :P

Use a search pattern: Start by disabling the second half (45 or so). Try it ingame. If the problem's still there, 45 components checked off the list! Keep taking half of the remaining possibly faulty components and work your way down the list. You might find it after 6-7 attempts, which wouldn't be so bad.