For fixing BG1, IWD1 (without HoW), IWD2 and PST you can install this fixer utility (programmed by Eddy, WeiDUed by me): []
If you use this fixer utility, don't forget to remove the application profile in the Compatibility Manager (if you're using it, remove the profile like this: start -> programs -> Microsoft Application Compatility Toolkit -> Compatibility Administrator -> Installed Database -> right click and remove on the item you created) or stop using the .vbs launcher.
I dl'd and extracted the file to the directory I installed the PST files to. Tried to run the "Setup_nvidia_Fix" executable within the game directory and received the following error: ERROR: Unable to find DIALOG.TLK in:
I am sure I have done something stupid wrong, but I followed the readme as I understood it. Any help please?
I am trying to run PST on an nVidia 8800 gt system. Ran fine until game crash in "The Tomb". Now upon subsequent loads, I get the following error: Assertion failed .... ChDimm.cpp at line number 787
PST- 4 disk, ISO's on hardrives, Patched to 1.1, then big fix update, no cracks, hacks, or mods.
TIA- Greaph