Why does Standardize Shapeshifting from Klatu's Tweaks & Fixes never gets installed in my game? Here is the error, I always skip it, if someone can help me solve this error, I'd appreciate it:
Using Language [English]NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Standardize ShapeshiftingD:\GOG Games\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition>ERROR: End_of_fileStandardize Shapeshifting (Klatu Tweaks and Fixes) was not installed due to errors.EDIT: Looks like the error incurs when the setup asks you for confirmation of your selections:You have selected the following options:* Always incur 100% divine casting failure on polymorphed creatures (default)* Always incur 100% arcane casting failure on polymorphed creatures (default)Proceed with these choices? (enter 1 or 2)1) Proceed with installation.2) Re-select choices.Stopping installation because of error.Stopping installation because of error.Stopping installation because of error.ERROR Installing [Standardize Shapeshifting], rolling back to previous state.When I install it manually and click on "1) Proceed with installation." it installs fine, with no problems.