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Member Since 02 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2010 10:54 AM

Topics I've Started

TSL Pocket Plane Mod

20 September 2010 - 01:29 PM


I don't have the game installed at the moment, but the idea is pretty great. I mean, Cespenar junior? :D

Interest in more IWD NPCs?

14 August 2010 - 10:08 AM

I was wondering if anyone's still playing Icewind Dale I or II, or would be interested in seeing more playable NPCs. Several tentative character outlines follow - thoughts, please?
1) Name: Calena
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Alignment: Lawful good
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 17

The daughter of a village healer, Calena felt drawn to Ilmater from an early age. As a sign of her faith, she took the two of the vows commonly associated with Healers, purity and poverty, leaving out the vow of peace or nonviolence. She tries to avoid fighting if she can, though, preferring to negotiate an agreement when possible. She is relatively young, barely twenty, and intends to devote her life to the service of the Crying God. She departed with her parents' blessing, intending to prove herself to the Companions of Noble Heart.

2) Name: Erinal
Gender: Male
Race: Half-elf
Class: Necromancer
Alignment: True neutral
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 12

Erinal studies necromancy in order to support his opinions on the nature of death. To him, there is a perfect and peculiar balance between life and death, though he grudgingly admits that he hasn't yet found it. He is a scholar, and considers himself a visionary in his field. He is somewhat devoted to Jergal, preferring the god's fatalism to what he views as Myrkul's interference in the cycle of nature. Despite this, he is surprisingly relaxed about his field of study. Death is merely "something that happens," he claims - one could die adventuring, true, but there are a myriad of other ways as well. He cares little for the manner of his own demise, and simply hopes that he will have been able to finish his research first.
He was born in Halruaa, but has since (obviously) traveled far afield. He is quite devoted to his research, and at various points has been a gravedigger, an undertaker, a musician, and, earlier in his life, a traveling merchant.

3) Name: Naubol (according to Chosen of Eilistraee Drow translator, means "nothing"
Gender: Male
Race: Drow
Class: Thief or Fighter/Thief
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 8

In the Underdark, Naubol was a drow slave, the lowest of the low, in the city of Maerimydra. Sick of being constantly taunted and bossed around by males and females alike, he left. He suspects that he only escaped because no one could be bothered to hunt down one worthless slave. He lacks many of the "typical" features of drow. For instance, he does not worship a deity, and he knows little or nothing about most of them. He speaks very little Common, barely enough to get by, he does not understand the written forms of Undercommon or Drow, and he does not know the drow "sign language." He's not entirely sure why he ended up in Icewind Dale, but he's optimistic enough to think that it could be worse. He thinks that being part of a group affords him some protection, both against monsters and angry humans, so he's willing to do pretty much anything he's told to.

4) Name: Tevornex
Gender: Male
Race: Human (tiefling)
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Strength: 18/22
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 10

Tevornex is a traveler of the planes, born (he thinks) in Sigil. He cares little for where his path takes him, treating life as an elaborate game. His journey to Icewind Dale was entirely unexpected, and he regards it as a peculiar trick. He believes that he is asleep and dreaming in another plane, and all he sees in the Prime is but an illusion. Needless to say, he is completely insane. He's well aware of this, but he simply doesn't care. He enjoys life as a madman, and if, as he believes, the Prime doesn't truly exist, why not make the best of it? He claims that all mortals live in their own fashion, and this is his.

5) Name: Murduin Whitehelm
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Class: Cleric or Cleric/Mage
Alignment: Neutral good
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 17
Charisma: 12

Murduin is a member of a small clan of northern shield dwarves. He venerates Dugmaren Brightmantle, the dwarven god of scholarship, discovery, and invention. He has a great love for old scrolls and books. He is quite old even for a dwarf, and considers this journey a good omen, in a way - should he survive, he intends to retire from the adventuring life, and should he die, he would have fallen for a worthy cause. He asks only that the party return his body to his clan, if possible.

6) Name: Jeraven
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/thief
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 12

Jeraven is originally from Luskan. He spent ten years as a sailor, intending to someday purchase and captain his own vessel. Ironically, by the time he'd begun to earn a decent amount of gold, he realized that he wanted absolutely nothing to do with the sea, and headed for Icewind Dale in search of adventure. He's rather irate that he wasted a decade sailing, and he's more than happy to complain about this. He actually really care that much, but he's been told that he should at least act more serious. He fancies himself a charming and debonair rogue. While this isn't entirely accurate, he can be relied upon to remain calm in times of trouble.

7) Name: Amirah
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Bard or multiclass thief/mage
Alignment: Chaotic good
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 16

Amirah is the only daughter of a moderately wealthy Calishite merchant in Memnon. She learned that her father intended to arrange a marriage for her, so without actually thinking about it, she fled the city. Icewind Dale might be rather far for a Calishan girl, but why do things halfway? She misses the city itself, but is thrilled at the opportunity for adventure. Her primary complaint is the cold, but then again, furs are so very fashionable - if only they weren't so heavy. She considers the dangers of adventuring exciting. She received a good education focusing largely on music, the arts, politics and languages, but with some emphasis on spellcraft as well. She adores the intrigue involved in politics, but her primary love is music - she plays the violin.

8 ) Name: Halim
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful neutral
Strength: 17
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 10

Halim is Amirah's elder brother, one of three sons. He received martial training in order to work as a caravan guard. Since then, he's traveled throughout Calimshan, and as far north as Tethyr. While he disagrees with Amirah's decision to run off, thinking that her arranged marriage would be best for their family, he is extremely loyal to her, and says that he will always stay at her side.

9) Name: Taladur

Race: Half-elf
Class: Druid
Alignment: True neutral
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 15

Taladur is a traveling druid, most recently of Mirabar. He venerates Chauntea in her manifestation as the Great Mother. He was born in Neverwinter and trained as a sculptor, a trade he continues to this day. He believes that nature is innately beautiful, and it is the artist's job to reveal and emphasize such beauty as they see fit. He also believes in the fundamental interconnectedness of all things, and, oddly, does not believe in "unnatural" things, considering everything a part of the Great Mother.

Edit: added Taladur.

Fate: Traitor Soul

10 August 2010 - 07:10 PM

So I started playing this game, thinking that it sounded good based on its description. I played the first Fate several years ago and thought it was a fun action game, if nothing else. I downloaded the trial and went to create a character, since some part of me went "ooh, elf warrior!"

Big mistake, apparently. The elves are called "shadow elves," and are basically purple-skinned drow. The other races - half-orc, human, and "cogger," the last of which is basically a gnome - look interesting though, maybe they'd be better.

To start the actual plot, you have to complete two big dungeon crawls, starting a level 1 character and going to at least level 40 to kill a boss monster. Then do it again, and then you get to play. Assuming there is a plot this time, which there probably isn't.

My main annoyance was that, to avoid dying horribly in the first five minutes, one's first purchase must always be a fishing pole. Unless you catch a ton of fish or get lucky and find an artifact, you can't buy a single decent piece of equipment. And fishing is apparently broken, again. Not entirely surprising, though.

I was thinking about buying the full game, but at the moment, I don't think it'd be worth it. Though one never knows...maybe it gets better. I don't think it's worth $20 to find out.

Weirdness in Genevieve's dialogue?

08 August 2010 - 09:41 PM

Possible error in line 202 of FHLGEN:
IF ~OR(2) Global("FHLGenTalk","GLOBAL",3) Global("FHLPayGen","GLOBAL",1) Global("FHLTellCurse","GLOBAL",0)~

And an important dialogue in the same file fires only if FHLTellCurse is set to 1, which as far as I can tell, doesn't seem to happen in any dialogues - at least, not that I can see. It should probably be set in Genevieve's dialogue when she takes the sword as payment, at lines 370 and 391.

Ardenor's True Power

04 August 2010 - 08:38 PM

If you haven't seen this topic, I don't recommend installing this mod. It probably won't make sense.

This is a very small mod adding some dialogue to the Bandit Camp, specifically to Taugosz, one of the hobgoblins, one of the bandits and, of course, Ardenor. In the process the true depths of Ardenor's power are revealed at last.

It's also Tutu-only, because I don't have BG1 or BGT installed at the moment.

Click the link below to download this mod.

Attached File  ArdenorsTruePower.rar   560.87K   462 downloads