Running the installer, it appears to be stuck in a loop., where in installs everything, then does its compression, biffing, etc., and then when I 'press any key to continue', it removes everything (then starts over when I 'press any key to continue').
There are no other options given.
Anyone else have this issue?
Member Since 30 Nov 2009Offline Last Active Nov 09 2021 09:29 AM
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Just an old school gamer with little time or money for the new stuff.
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- Member Title Barbarian Grandmaster of Staves
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- Birthday November 8, 1979
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Family, work (financial services), mountain biking (DH, XC), snowboarding, gaming (comp,MTG(cube!), Dominion, Settlers of Catan).
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Topics I've Started
Installation 'loop'?
04 November 2021 - 08:44 PM
Initial BWP setup issues - 25Movies.bif missing
24 October 2021 - 09:06 AM
I've installed both games (traditional verson, from GOG, and into C:games/ dir)
I get to this:
The file 25Movies.bif is missing in your BGII - SOA\CD5\movies directory.
The file exists in C:/Games/BGII - SOA/data/movies
I tried creating that dir. and moving it into there but no luck.
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