Also, when I have 5 or more characters in my party, the all move quite choppy. If i only select 2 or 3, they move fine, so I'm guessing there is some kind of issue with pathfinding maybe? Is this a known issue?
Member Since 30 Nov 2009Offline Last Active Nov 09 2021 09:29 AM
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- Member Title Barbarian Grandmaster of Staves
- Age 45 years old
- Birthday November 8, 1979
Oregon, USA
Family, work (financial services), mountain biking (DH, XC), snowboarding, gaming (comp,MTG(cube!), Dominion, Settlers of Catan).
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In Topic: Installation 'loop'?
08 November 2021 - 07:50 PM
In Topic: Installation 'loop'?
07 November 2021 - 01:46 PM
1 - Per the install instructions, I though one of the options was to bif things. I chose yes on it. Is this something that I can still do?
2 - None of the pre-defined installs included the widescreen mod. How would I go about adding that (I assume I'll have to start over? - im fine if I have to start over)
3 - There is no txt named that - does this mean all mods I selected to be installed were installed successfully?
In Topic: Installation 'loop'?
07 November 2021 - 10:53 AM
started from scratch. Came home and no CMD prompt was up (here is my WeiDU.log, which I think looks good?).
Ran the game. Took about 60 seconds to start up (not something I've experienced before), but appears to be working.
1 - any way to speed up game load times?
2 - Screen resolution - just realized widescreen mod isn't in my list. Is that no longer working?
3 - Where is the 'not-installed mods' list located?
In Topic: Installation 'loop'?
05 November 2021 - 09:39 PM
In Topic: Installation 'loop'?
05 November 2021 - 03:56 PM
Ive only tried the install once before and dont remember if it hung here.
Closing the CMD prompt I know is told to be a no-no, but dont know what else to do here.
I tried hitting enter to see if that would skip and move forward but no luck
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