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Member Since 25 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 11 2014 02:04 PM

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CoC Battle trigger

04 November 2014 - 03:22 PM

I was wondering if there is any way to delay the CoC battle. In the readme it says that turning the difficulty to easy or novice would do something, but its not quite clear to me what exactly that means... maybe my english just isn't quite sufficient there to grasp the full meaning, sorry about that.

Anyway, so my question is: Does turning the difficulty to novice before leaving the graveyard after the Bodhi fight completely get rid of the cutscene, so it only occurs the next time you leave the graveyard district, or does it just make the fight easier? If the second is the case, is there any other way to delay the fight, or do I have to postpone getting Immy's soul to after I am strong enough to handle the 6?

My main problem is that my party is way too low level in my current playthrough, since RPing the Imoen Romance mod made me kinda rush to Spellhold and after the Underdark straight to Bodhi. I was planning to do most of the major quests after getting Immy's soul back, but that leaves my party at about 1.5 million XP, which makes this fight feel almost impossible on core or higher difficulty (I usually play on insane and most of the fights with SCS installed are manageable). 

Anyways, thanks so much for this mod, it is simply amazing! Best encounter I have ever played in this game!