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Member Since 15 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2024 02:50 PM

Topics I've Started


26 June 2010 - 04:12 AM

Hey Peoples. I have a question for you. Ok, let me start of with saying I am a contractor working in Iraq. While I have satellite internet it is by no means fast..about double that of dial up. I just bought me a new monster gaming laptop ( ASUS G73JH-A2 17.3" ) I am going to have my wife do some large downloads and installs there that will require some serious patches. I was wondering if there is anyway she can go ahead and predownload the mods that I want installed and I can guide the install of BWP v9 to that area? I usually install the mod compilations that include all mods except the beta ones. Once I get the laptop here I will do the full install of BG1 & BG2 with both expansion packs as I have the discs here playing BWP v7 on this laptop.

I think I have totally confused you, if I have just let me know. You can get me here.
Out here,