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Member Since 06 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2009 08:49 AM

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In Topic: Chapter 3 Crossroads Crash Caused by Corrupt Creatures.

28 November 2009 - 06:58 AM

It happened to me too. To fix them all you need to do is to find the original CRE files from the Dark Horizon folder load them into DLTCEP and fix the header and save them into your override folder.

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.2

20 November 2009 - 07:09 AM

Is anyone else getting repeated "KORSCROO.CRE is corrupt: header misplaced." complaints during the install?

I may be imagining it, but I have a feeling korscroo.cre was up to something similar back in the dark days of bugtesting the Big Picture, though I can't remember what we ended up doing about it.

This post has been edited by Arkenor: Today, 12:41 AM

Yea I got it too. I had to pull the original CRE file from the COMencounters folder, fix the header and put it into the override folder to prevent CTD.

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.2

19 November 2009 - 02:48 PM

QUOTE(Sanity @ Nov 19 2009, 02:55 PM)
Also, if you can give me an idea what mods might be effected and what to look for I'll be happy to test these areas later today.
Cheers. Like I said, any mods that had parsing ERRORs between Sheena and SCS2 may be suspect, and you may need to fix those scripts manually (with DLTCEP, NI or WeiDU) if they didn't compile properly.

Well I CLUAed #jCeara, from the Kelsey Mod. I forced attacked her and this script kicked in

DisplayStringHead(Myself,34634) // ~Chain Contingency~

killing my entire bg1 party. She never turned hostile though or runaway.

Given the the errors on my BWP Debug specifically mention J#Ceara.BAF and Wizard spell turining, I can say that the error is not critical (ie no CTD). Im not familiar enough with mod to know if the behavior is as intended, ie not going holstile. But script is definetly firing for what ever that is worth.

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.2

19 November 2009 - 06:55 AM

I had the same eroors too < see attached for change log> any other files needed let me know

It looks like Sheena overwrote your stats.ids, even though it shouldn't really be doing that, but there's some dodgy code in there. Can you also attach your setup-sheena.tp2 and setup-sheena.debug files from your game folder.

Also there's several mods trying to install different (older) versions of detectable spells than SCS, so the whole thing is kind of a mess. You end up with a correct one (probably) due to SCS2, but any mods installed between SCS1 and 2 might have issues.

Here you go. Also, if you can give me an idea what mods might be effected and what to look for I'll be happy to test these areas later today.

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.2

18 November 2009 - 03:32 PM

QUOTE(Killua @ Nov 18 2009, 02:33 AM)
I got errors when installing kelsey mods, seems some stat were missing?
[kelsey/J#Ceara.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 208 column 1-58
Near Text: )
[CheckStatGT] argument [CLERIC_BLADE_BARRIER] not found in [Stats.IDS]

[kelsey/J#Ceara.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 209 column 1-60
Near Text: )
[CheckStatGT] argument [CLERIC_PHYSICAL_MIRROR] not found in [Stats.IDS]

[kelsey/J#Ceara.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 210 column 1-66
Near Text: )
[CheckStatGT] argument [CLERIC_SHIELD_OF_THE_ARCHONS] not found in [Stats.IDS]
There are obviously some mods that either overwrite stats.ids or expect Detectable spells (installed by SCS2 and probably some other mods) to be present when it isn't yet. It is the same issue as here. Someone should start by doing a weidu --change-log stats.ids and then maybe look at rearranging the install order, including Detectable spells up front, preventing stats.ids from being overwritten, or some other solution.

I had the same eroors too < see attached for change log> any other files needed let me know

Incidentally, an "Expert" install has taken over 2 days on my machine, and it's only on SCS now. Nothing else is running. Normal?

I started the instal bat on Saturday afternoon and it finished biffing Monday just before noon...

Also I noticed that the BWP fix beta went to 8.24 any word on what the new version fixes?