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Member Since 03 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2005 04:18 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: What can change the nature of man?

04 January 2005 - 03:25 PM

I said that nothing can change the nature of a man, if I remember correctly. If I were to play another time, I would pick the same again. You can change a man in many ways, but his nature...

In Topic: Games comparable to Torment

03 November 2004 - 05:00 AM

There are better games, IMO. Planescape: Torment lacked in some aspects.

Final Fantasy VII: Best story ever made, even though Planescape's comes not far behind. These two are in a league for themself, though FFVII takes the first place. Combined with almost the best music ever made, the characters, and everything else, it's the best game.

Baldur's Gate 1+2: Even though the Story isn't as moving as the other's, this game excells in everything else. I've played it over and over and over again, and won't stop. Will probably play this untill I die. Best characters, best fighting system, and very good allaround.

Planescape Torment: Not so many characters, the music wasn't that good, and the fighting system were kind of boring... But yes, the story alone is more than enough to give this place a honorable third place.

In Topic: Any theories on who TNO was?

31 October 2004 - 01:53 PM

There's one thing I don't understand: Some of you say that TTO learned things from TNO:s incarnations. Didn't they... split in two?

And this is the real reason why Ps:T comes so high up on my Best-Games-Ever list, the empty spaces that you do not know, just have to imagine.

Add-on: And thank all you guys for this topic. Really gave me some enjoyable time. ;)