Member Since 07 Sep 2009Offline Last Active Dec 03 2009 06:36 AM
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In Topic: Problem with Quest:Training Militia Men
28 November 2009 - 05:35 AM
In Topic: Stutter in Baldur's Gate (BWP 8)
31 October 2009 - 08:11 AM
Thanks alot in advance
In Topic: Gameplay: Acceptable AC?
29 October 2009 - 05:09 AM
In Topic: Help, I cant leave Waukeens promenade
29 October 2009 - 05:00 AM
Try this searchmap fr the Snowflake mountains. Instructions are in the post. Good luck!
It works perfectly. Thank you master.
In Topic: Help, I cant leave Waukeens promenade
28 October 2009 - 07:44 AM
Snowflake mountains is from CtB and I am looking into the fix. For now, try moving to the area with the travel wheel at position x=2693 and y=304 without other NPC's gathering beyond that point tot he right side. Micromanage the party just before the x/y position so that they are ready and then click to travel. It takes a couple tries but the game will auto save. AR3535 is the area you are trying to get to so you can CLUA if you wish.
The other two crashes are bugs that I have no knowledge about. You have something that is either incompatible or a mod that has a resource that is just plain corrupt or invalid. For the unseeing eye area, try CLUA to the area. If it crashes than we know it is not the transition. With Near Infinity, find all the creatures by looking up the area and noting all the creatures. CLUA them into your game from anywhere and see what crashes.
Maybe someone else has the same bugs and they can offer more concrete fixing.
Thanks i will try that out. What is the code for the underground area in the unseeing eye quest?
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