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Member Since 27 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Mar 26 2011 03:25 AM

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Videocard doesn't support 640x480

28 August 2009 - 07:45 AM


I just found out this site after i decided to play baldur's gate again in the waiting time before Dragon Age: Origins. I'm just waiting for the BWP 8.0 setup file and already prepared myself by installing the games and patches. I also downloaded the pdf instruction file. It says its recommend to start the games and do a quicksave before anything else. But thats where i have a problem. My videocard doesn't support 640x480 anymore. So i can't start Baldur's Gate. Is this gonna be a problem for some mods when i'm gonna install BWP 8.0?

btw you guys are doing a real awesome job with this project and i can't wait to play again