Member Since 12 Aug 2009Offline Last Active Feb 18 2025 08:47 PM
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In Topic: General discussion
05 April 2023 - 08:55 PM
Is this a still a case in 2023?
In Topic: BGEE/2?
02 April 2023 - 11:08 AM
I dunno if this mod is still being under works. I want to report the boots of pub will cause crash to desktop CTD when used to teleport party to the inn. The crash applies to EE(T) games only. The boots of pub teleporation worked correctly for classical games when I used the mod back in 2018.
If anyone wants to take a look at the dump debug file:
In Topic: Compatible Mods
02 March 2023 - 12:05 PM
The order of install is of no influence in this case.
Thank you jastey for prompt answer both here and on G3.
I can move on with the installation process.
In Topic: Compatible Mods
02 March 2023 - 03:46 AM
Version 2.0.10 and higher provides the possibility to play Edwin Romance in Multi-Romance mode: Via Cheats, set the variable "EdwinIgnoreRomances" to "1" to enable Multi-Romance mode:
If set, Edwin Romance will ignore all other romances and will also ignored by other romances (as far as the checks are contained within the Edwin Romance Mod). This goes for the original romances as well as considered mod NPC romances. The cheat has to be set before any of the romances turn their status to committed.
Mod romances considered so far are the following. Let us know if there is more:
- Fade
- Adrian
- Ajantis BGII
- Angelo
- Aran Whitehand
- Chloe
- Gavin BGII
- Imoen Romance
- Kelsey
- Sarah
- Sirene BGII
- Tsujatha
- Valygar (Corthala Romantique)
- Verr'Sza BGII
- Weimer's Solaufein
- Xan BGII
Do I have to install Edwin Romance after those mods for Edwin romance to consider them?
In Topic: [Mod] All Things Mazzy
22 February 2023 - 05:05 PM
Is Korgan's Redemption compatible with All Things Mazzy?
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