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Member Since 04 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 05 2009 07:16 AM

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In Topic: Attempting a super-duper mega-mod

05 August 2009 - 07:16 AM

I figured it out my self

In Topic: Attempting a super-duper mega-mod

04 August 2009 - 05:53 AM

And I thought everything went perfectly, I installed everything as said in the .pdf guide in BWP, but damn, my game just crashed in High Hedge with this error.

Any workaround? Somehow remove the thing that causes it ? Or just go through another 2 days of re-installing? :)


Installing this should solve your problem.

I ran in to the exact problem, so I was eager to install the shield fixer. But when I run the setup I get a fatal error in the setup..
The program says: Please run the this program in your infinite Engine game directory.. I have tried almost everything and every folder to work around this ?fatal error? ? but in vain. Can you help further?