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Member Since 27 Jun 2003
Offline Last Active Aug 03 2006 03:47 AM

Topics I've Started

Truesword of Arvoreen

24 June 2005 - 11:32 PM

It looks like the mod is going to conflict with the NPC Kitpack slightly. Having already made a Truesword kit I thought I'd share.

TRUESWORD OF ARVOREEN: Arvoreen is the nearest thing to a halfling war god. He is a god of stern defence and aggressive watchfulness, who is always preparing for incursions into halfling lands and making ready to repulse hostile creatures at the first sign of trouble. Arvoreen is venerated primarily by halfling fighters.

Warriors that enter the church of Arvoreen, and prove themselves worthy, are risen to the rank of Truesword. Trueswords are the protectors and defenders of Halfling communities. They mount regular patrols, always investigating the slightest hint of a threat. Many Trueswords regularly adventure to gain magical weapons and defensive items of all kinds.

Trueswords of Arvoreen must be halflings of Lawful Good, Neutral Good, or Lawful Neutral alignment.

- Can Lay On Hands (heals 1 hit point per level) once per day
- Can cast Detect Evil once per day
- From level 3 can cast Strength once per day
- From level 5 can Invoke Courage for 1 turn once per day per level
- From level 7 can cast Glyph of Warding once per day
- From level 9 can cast Strength of One once per day
- From level 11 can cast Haste (on themselves only) once per day
- From level 14 can cast Champion's Strength once per day

- May only progess above proficiency in short swords, short bows and slings

Mod Kit Remover Released

19 June 2005 - 01:08 PM

As this mod is aimed primarily at Big Picture (in all its various incarnations) players I thought I'd repost this announcement here, for your convenience (and my download stats).

The Mod Kit Remover is a WeiDU mod that will remove all mod kits from the character creation screen. The mod was primarily made because The Darkest Day fills all available kit slots, but players wished to use kits from other mods when playing it. Once the Mod Kit Remover has been installed, BioWare's kits will remain selectable and the mod kits will remain installed for use by NPCs and previously created PCs. Any changes made by other mods to BioWare's kits will remain intact, and kits from other WeiDU mods can be installed and be selectable at character creation.

Mod Kit Remover Released

19 June 2005 - 06:43 AM

The Mod Kit Remover is a WeiDU mod that will remove all mod kits from the character creation screen. The mod was primarily made because The Darkest Day fills all available kit slots, but players wished to use kits from other mods when playing it. Once the Mod Kit Remover has been installed, BioWare's kits will remain selectable and the mod kits will remain installed for use by NPCs and previously created PCs. Any changes made by other mods to BioWare's kits will remain intact, and kits from other WeiDU mods can be installed and be selectable at character creation.