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Member Since 14 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 28 2009 03:54 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Apologies

28 July 2009 - 03:40 AM

Who care if one or the other of these guys say lunatic things or not? We praise them cause they are good moders, not cause we like their signature or the charming tone of their posts. All these arguments are ludicrous.
Why this topic is not closed yet by the way? This admin is too nice, heavy enforcement for the win!

In Topic: Question about battles

18 July 2009 - 08:43 PM

In terms of the original post of this thread: I will add the RunningAttack() fix in the Fixpack, so PC's shouldn't freeze for seconds when they run into something in combat and walk around everywhere. If I'm holding that enemies should be smart enough to run in combat as a fix, that logic certainly has to apply to party PC's as well.

Ok thanks. I guess they still won't defend each other when they are attacked but it's already good that one of the two annoyances is on the way to be solved.

In Topic: Question about battles

17 July 2009 - 11:23 PM

I won't go on using this as the only thing I really expect is the NPC react faster than in 3 seconds when they collide in something and auto attack when they are attacked but also when other team characters are attacked. Don't really want they cast special abilities and spells by themselves.

I didn't noticed the problem with Fall-for-Grace as I never play with her (I can't stand her horrible haircut). Always go for morte-dakkon-annah-vhailor team, I like to be the only pure spell caster of the group.

Totally out of subject but I'm really disappointed by Annah last word when I resurrect her at the end. So Fall-For-Grace gonna search me to Bator but Annah can't say anything interesting? Pitiful tiefflin I'd better let her dead.
This game really miss a sequel, the Blood War would be a fantastic campaign setting for any RPG. This annoying prime plane we explore in all other AD&D RPG is so conventional...

In Topic: Dying in the Fortress *MAJOR spoilers*

17 July 2009 - 08:39 AM

Who need extra lives anyway? Don't tell me some lazy players go to the Fortress without previously farming to level 20+ on larval worms!

I feel like any of the potential fix gonna let me unsatisfied as it's crystal clear for me that Vhailor and Morte shouldn't give an extra life.

In Topic: Factions (something for you all to argue about while I work)

17 July 2009 - 08:03 AM

Just gonna throw in my random guy opinion.

I don't see the trouble renouncing being an anarchist and still belonging to other factions. After all you're already infiltrated. Except if you consider by renouncing to be an anarchist the player accept his new faction as exclusive but I don't see it as inevitably the case.
Nevertheless I'm not sure being members of multiple factions outside the anarchists (which is supposed to be a secret one) plus one another make so much sense. Each faction would probably check their recruits history to be sure they are not already affiliated in a faction. Otherwise why the anarchists would be the only one to have the possibility to infiltrate other factions if not because their members are the only one not publicly known as so?

Approximate grammary expected here, was not simple to explain.