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Member Since 02 Jul 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2010 07:26 PM

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In Topic: Realistic random treasures

16 September 2009 - 02:45 AM

As for revising the whole thing

while orc shamans, or shamans and mages in general should exclusively carry scrolls as random tr and nothing else, most of the less intelligent but humanoid beings ( kobolds, xart ) should carry gems, minor ones, no rings or necklaces
I've seen weird stuff like +2 arrows as random treasure and really...
the medium intelligent ones ( orcs, ogres and the likes ) should be rings and necklaces

for highlevel stuff like dragons and lichs... i dont think random treasure is well advised there, except it's a generic lich, in which case it should mostly drop high-level spell scrolls because that is the whole reason mages become liches. to further study magic

dragons.. are there generic, unnamed dragons? if so, they should have a bit of everything but all high-quality ( diamonds, star saphires, lvl 7-8 scrolls, minor magic rings and necklaces )

does stuff like githianki, illithids, beholder have random treasure?

what kind of stuff would drow have?

I have the second edition ( or 3rd edition? ) monster books ( 1-4 ) here I could look it up if anyone wants.

In Topic: Wasn't sure where to put this question but...

15 September 2009 - 07:31 PM

100% level drain on hit for 1 level is overpowered
get two of those ( dagger ) get some 5 stars in daggers, get improved haste and you pretty much drain between 5 and 9 levels PER ROUND, even if the enemy has a thousand protection skills up.
even firkraag would die in like two to three rounds from this.

In Topic: And possibility for a full NEJ in a BWP setup?

13 September 2009 - 07:12 PM

I'll try them tomorrow, thanks.

In Topic: Planar Sphere Mod starting question

13 September 2009 - 05:21 PM

The walkthrough doesn't say anything on that.
I think it is all after the normal quests OR the normal quests shouldn't happen at all

In Topic: And possibility for a full NEJ in a BWP setup?

13 September 2009 - 05:01 PM

Testing I can do. I have time. a LOT of time.
Maybe I can even work on it a little myself.
White Angus in this forum?