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Member Since 29 Jun 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 09 2018 10:13 AM

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In Topic: PS:T UB - Reloaded: A continuation of Qwinn's PST-UB for PST:EE

04 April 2018 - 06:17 AM

Hey! Good to see the work being continued! I've been way out of the loop, and only recently found out that PST:EE was a thing. Years ago, I asked Qwinn to implement a few scrolls of the Pain Mirror spell to some appropriate vendors (or loot locations). IIRC, it was the case that the only way to get this spell in the original game was to skip the mage training with Mebbeth, and train with Lady Thorncombe in the Lower Ward instead. That's not exactly practical.


It's only a minor thing, but could you include this, if you haven't already?