hello guys, i've been hanging round here for some time and finally registered when i hit trouble only you can solve.
i've attempted a BGT install with the following mods:
BGT Tweak_v8
unfinished buissines for both 1 and 2
tower of deception 3.2
Ascension v 1.4.21
Turnabout v1 (addon for Ascension)
Longer Road v 1.15 (asson for Ascension)
Wheels of prophecy v.2
TXTmusic v 7
but when i try to start the game i get: "an assertion failed in chsound.cpp at line number 4905"
someone said it could be because there were more than 100 lines in songlist.2da but there werent.
of course it could be the install Order since this is and odd package it's hart to sompare it to the usual install order lists.
any suggestions about that would be appreciated
does any of these mods contradict eachothers in a way that makes it unplayable (thinking about the Fixes and Tweaks)
any help would be appreciated.
oh and in case you need them i've attached both mentioned files works in texteditors.
Member Since 07 Jun 2009Offline Last Active Feb 08 2010 02:42 PM