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Member Since 14 May 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2012 08:31 PM

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In Topic: The BiG World Project

23 August 2012 - 04:55 PM

Hello there, I'd like to report some bug regarding the installer script.

1. findstr matches unwanted content

The script use findstr to search weidu.log for compatibility check in many places. Around line 3031 of BiG World Install.bat v11.1 we have:
findstr /I /M "Tactics.TP2~.*#.*#3" WeiDU.log
if %errorlevel%==0 (
%IFS%scsII.exe %TXT% | findstr @334 | %C% >> %E%
) else (
%IFT% Call %INST% scsII "7080"
This block is intended to check the existence of component #2 of Tactics mod to avoid conflict with component #7051 of SCS2 mod.

However, here findstr will not only match
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #3 // Improved Sahuagin City
but also match
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #31 // Mike Barnes' Improved Small Teeth Pass: v25; Lol's Update to v26
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #32 // Mike Barnes' Improved North Forest: v25; Lol's Update to v26
~SETUP-TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #33 // Mike Barnes' Marching Mountains: v25; Lol's Update to v26
in weidu.log

As a result, #7080 of SCS2 will not get installed as long as any of #3x of Tactics is installed, even though #3 is not there.

Adding a space between #3 and the quote is no use, since spaces is treated as delimiters between multiple search strings. To achieve the intended goal, we can write:
findstr /I /M /C:"TACTICS.TP2~ #0 #3 " WeiDU.log
(note the space after #3)

2. GNU cut is not working properly under Win7

When I first try to run the installer, I get endless "BiG World Installpack\cut: write error: Invalid argument" error after the first welcome message is displayed:

.\BiG World Installpack\move to main folder\traify read me.txt
.\BiG World Installpack\move to main folder\traify.bat
.\BiG World Installpack\move to main folder\WeiDU.exe
6 file(s) copied.

Leonardo Watson's

B i G W o r l d P r o j e c t


BiG World Installpack\cut: write error
BiG World Installpack\cut: write error: Invalid argument
BiG World Installpack\cut: write error: Invalid argument
After changing line 28 from
SET C="%BWIP%"\cut -c5-
SET C="%BWIP%"\cut -f2-
, the error no longer appears but all messages displayed now begin with "@###" (I can live with this, though). According some of my friends' experience, this problem only occur on Win7.

3. Commenting in batch file

This is rather a suggestion than a bug report. In batch file the standard comment mark is "REM", not double colon "::". Though in many situations they are interchangeble, however, there are cases that using double colon can break the script. Details. Long story short, double colon in parenthesis can break the script.
