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Member Since 04 May 2009
Offline Last Active Jul 03 2011 11:46 PM

Topics I've Started

Problem in Bremen

07 June 2011 - 03:33 PM

I'm stuck in Bremen. The doors north of the village open, but when I click on the wheel to travel, the worldmap appears above Baldur's Gate and the isle of Balduran's shipwreck but with no new ("blue") place to go to.
Would it be that I haven't got the right version (or size) of the worldmap installed? To begin with, Bremen itself doesn't appear in it, donnow if that's how it's supposed to be... Anyway, I guess this can be solved with the proper area code(s).
Anyone can help?

Two other minor issues:
1) I've looked at previous posts and know that in order to finish the townsfolk depression quest, one should speak to everybody, but I'm sure I did that and still nothing seems to happen about it.
2) I've decided to join Matthew's cult. Can anyone tell me how long am I supposed to wait for their request?
Tnx in advance!

Stucks at the Cave Pip sends me

20 April 2011 - 03:07 AM

Hi, people!
My problem is the following: after killing the monks of the North Cave where Pip sent me, nothing happens. The pannels disappear, like an animation is coming through, but everything just stays there.
Anyone can help?
By the way, when checking the forums for any tip on this, I realized I haven't visited Bremen, nor the Sanctuary of Dragons.
Anyway, I don't even think I ever got info about those places in the game.
And I have just killed Artemis and Jarlaxle and forgot to do Clob's son quest, though I expect to be still on time for doing it. Hope these things don't represent a problem.
So, can anyone tell me where to go or who to speak to in order to get the quest(s) of Bremen?
Tnx in advance!

Problem after talking to Cadderly: nothing happens

27 February 2011 - 02:59 PM

Hi, people!
I believe I might have asked this before, can't remember, but I stopped playing BGT w/RoT for a few months... anyway, my problem's the following:
The game just stays still after I talk to Cadderly at his temple, when he says he'll take me to the Haephastus, the dragon. The image when we appear in the lower chamber is not actually frozen: the ambient sound works, and the characters do their "standing-moves", but nothing else happens, and the different game pannels don't show.
Can anyone help me?
I attach a save of the game right before speaking to Cadderly, just in case.
Tnx in advance!