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Member Since 29 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active May 04 2009 09:02 AM

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In Topic: Is it unwise to install megamods while playing BG2 for the 1st time?

30 April 2009 - 09:53 AM

The (G3)BG2 Fixpack, and the Worldmap mod. As the CtB, SoS and TDD need the Worldmap mod, and that needs the BG2Fixpack...

So the order with my knowledge would be:
BG2:SoA, ToB, patch v26498(do not install the 99, as it's brokedown-beta).
... and then really think hard if you wish bugs and install these in that case- install
Baldurdash-Weidu v166(except the fix component)
Never Ending Journey v2v42b
...and after this, it's safe again.
TDD v1.12
SoS v1.13
CtB v1.11
BP v1.77 with this posts .tp2 file replacing the mods original...
BP v1.77ToBfix
BP-BGT-Worldmap mod.
Widescreen mod v2.0, or if you go with the v2.1, install it from the "widescreen-v2.1.exe", as the very last mod, as the WeiDU won't properly start anymore after it. A bit more info.

Kullyok did convince me to play through without mods the first time.I'll follow the installation order you suggest if I play the game a 2nd time.Or perhaps,I'll just install only one mega mod?won't that help to add content while avoiding the bugs?

In Topic: Is it unwise to install megamods while playing BG2 for the 1st time?

30 April 2009 - 09:47 AM

You should check out BG2 Tweak pack.


In Topic: Is it unwise to install megamods while playing BG2 for the 1st time?

30 April 2009 - 08:17 AM

thank you very much my friend!I can see more clearly now why I have been advised so.
I wasn't aware of game stopper bugs,or that it needs hours to complete the installation.I installed tdd in 2 minutes and uninstalled when I read that I need to startover to play it(I was in chapter 2).I also thought that the story lines would be better since the guys that wrote them,well..maybe not proffessionals but with more heart in them?
however you have convinced me.

since you took the time for such a comprehensive answer,could you point out any other vital utility mods that increase the easyness of gameplay.like the widescreen mod?

In Topic: what mega mod can be installed while in chapter 2

30 April 2009 - 06:34 AM

Thank you very much for the answer.That widescreen mod that you offered seems very useful and I wasn't aware of its existence.

Ok then,I've decided to restart the game and install with this order:
soa,tob,and official latest patch.
then the mods:
then bp (if i got it correctly,bp fixes compatiblity issues between the previously installed mega mods)
then widescreen mod

will I need anything else?(I intend to play with all 6 chars created by me,and take in an NPC just to do his quest and then leave him and reimport my own char)

PS I will also post this to the right forum

In Topic: what mega mod can be installed while in chapter 2

29 April 2009 - 06:16 PM

I think it is best to play though once before adding mods.

ummm,why is that?don't the mods add more to the basic experience?there is no chance I'll have the patience to finish the game twice
thanks for the answer