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Member Since 19 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2009 10:03 PM

Topics I've Started

Troll immunities? Bug or design, I do not know.

25 September 2009 - 01:47 PM

So, playing through BG2 for the first time in years, with a pretty much all caster party, and I've noticed that the trolls in the de'Arnise keep are immune to a LOT of my spells.

Specifically, I get no saving throw text for Confusion(Chaos), Paralysis(Hold Monster), and Sleep(Greater Command).

Dominate is strange as well, in that I will see the text Troll - Dominated in the text window, but nothing happens (I've made sure that I am *not* attacking these trolls, as I've had issues with my party members continuing to attack creatures after I have charmed/dominated them before). The dominated trolls keep their red circles and do not ever come under my control.

Slow is working normally.

ALso, and I'm reasonably sure this is just a design issue, but do trolls regenerate even when damaged with fire/acid? I know you have to perma-kill them with acid/fire, but I was hoping that my party of casters could just Flamestrike/Acid Arrow/Fireball their way through the keep without too much worry. Tested and confirmed when I let a Spirit Troll beat on a Stoneskinned/Mirror Imaged/Fire Shielded Nalia. Like I said, I'm pretty sure this is just a normal game feature, but its been so long since I last played, and I've never played with this kind of spellpower, so I've never tested it.

Unkillable Sarevok after 4th dialogue, and general mod feedback

19 September 2009 - 12:23 PM

Hey hey, ran into a bit of a problem with Sarevok in the Temple of Bhaal for BG1. I've browsed these forums and found something that seems to work, so I'll post the entirety of my problem and what "fixed" it here.

So, I'm playing a BGT-BWP install, weidu log will be added in after I finish this post and go take a shower (don't really know how to do it, don't feel like searching the forums till after the shower), and I just got to the Temple of Bhaal.

I do have SCS I, with the improved battle component, and Sarevok has a ring, belt slot "silver ring", and blank amulet equipped (after ctrl+qing him based on another post).

I am playing an all caster party (Finch, Gavin, PC is a cleric/mage, Imoen dual-classed, Safana dual-classed after giving her a book, and Xan as a sorceror), so I used many, many summons to kill Sarevok and party. (30 gnolls, and 24 hobgoblin archers, all with haste/bless/chant tear through them pretty quickly ^^. Yay for having 4 mages and 3 Clerics!)

Finally, I have killed Tazok in the bandit camp.

So, I go into the Temple of Bhaal, run into Sarevok after summoning my many minions. I get the speech, tell him various things, none seem to affect the outcome. Someone casts detect invisibility/invisibility purge/true seeing, Tazok and Semaj appear, Angelo and the other guy (always forget his name) port in.

Everyone targets Sarevok until his second speech (Foolish brother, I have meatshields with magic rituals, etc.), after which the archers mass-fire on the mages and kill them pretty fast.

I get the third speech (A predictable ploy, etc.), and my first skeleton warrior to kill.

A little bit of waiting later, I get my fourth speech (Am I going to die? Hell no, I'm the LORD OF MURDER, BIZNITCH), and Sarevok gets focus fire from everyone.

So, here is where my problem is. Nothing will kill him after this point. I've done over 2k damage manually (summons, PCs, etc., knocked him unconscious via lower resistances and spells, no death, no 1HP speech, nothing), and less than that without knocking him unconscious, and just letting the minions beat on him, but still way more than enough.

So, I set my SPRITE_IS_DEADTAZOK to 0, tried again, nothing.

Went in, Re-did the fight, but with just ctrl+y-ing his group after he got to his speeches (since I'd killed them all three times without any of the party getting scratched, didn't feel like cheating), and he still went through the speeches, in the same progression. Afterwards, he is still unkillable. Ctrl+q'ed him into the party, and then ctrl+y'ed him into oblivion (20+ times), he still has 10-16 hp.

So, I finally did the CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("SarevokBoutToDie","GLOBAL",2), and Sarevok just keels over. No death speech, but I do get the ending movie, and a floating text note about seeing Belt at the duchal palace, and 15k exp.

Just for kicks, I had Finch Raise Dead on Sarevok (we're all about level 9-10), and he came back with about 5 hp, started regenerating, and couldn't be killed again.

On a side note, some things I have enjoyed and not enjoyed about the ubermodding my old bg!

Mmmm, re-vamped game. 's very nice to have all the new stuffs.

Random spawns are a little annoying, always seems to be the same creatures in the same areas and it had me running around from lots and lots of clawed and fanged death when I was a party of low level casters. Seemed weird that 2-3 wolves, 1-2 dire wolves, and a dread wolf seemed like an appropriate spawn to sic on a level 1-2 party of four.

The vault is....eh. I thought it was just an item mod, based on the BWP description. Then I got my History of the Nether Scrolls stolen and had to fight my way through a mine of magic resistant creatures before anyone had lower resistance >.<
Thank god for grease, is all I have to say. Also, boo for traps that cannot be disarmed, especially when your thief has 150+ in find traps.

Some spells seem funky, like creatures getting a saving throw for Doom, despite the description, and Curse saying "Bless" when it hits the enemies.

Daveorn's Battle Horrors were a little funky when I fought them. They didn't defend themselves, just Daveorn. So, if no one was attacking Daveorn, they would just sit there and let themselves be killed. I noticed this after I used Hold Person on Daveorn and started killing his tanks.

The Wild Mage who attacks you in Candlekeep is annoying. I wish there had been a warning on the mod that he would insta-cast spells left and right, and would be immune to several common "stop casting spells at me" spells. I noticed that a lot of the things that hit him didn't give me a saving throw message in the battle text, so I assume he was just immune to them somehow.

Also, that seems to happen a fair amount. That is, things getting hit with a spell, and no saving throw text, as if I had used a hold person on an ogre or troll. I try to watch the combat log for things like potions of freedom, but a lot of these enemies don't use them, and don't have freedom on their equipment, so I'm confuzzled as to where it comes from.

NToTSC seems a little "meh" to me so far. I went north from the zombie farm near Baldur's Gate to the Wood of the Dead, or somesuch, fought no less than 9-10 Orc Mages who seemed like they were level 10+, which seems odd (so many high level mages, in one place, all of them orcs, and all with identical spells?) Hit and ran my way through them with a level 7 or so party, only to investigate the ruins they've been poking and prodding at for weeks and get instantly fireballed to death. So, I gave the main character protection from fire (items, potions, 100% or a little more), and moved the rest of the party halfway across the main, clicked the ruins again. Main character still dies, and the fireballs track the rest of the group across the map and kill them too. What the duck? Who thought this was a good idea? >:(

The Arch-Druid in the cloakwood was a little harsh when I was low level. Saved against everything, hit my party every time, stunned characters very often on hitting them, and came with an escort of HOLY GOD, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY BEARS! But them I got higher spell levels and destroyed him, so, meh.

Okay, more good things.....

Better calls for help is amazing. Nothing like having a whole level of mercenaries or spiders come after you at once (I'm looking at you, The Vault. There were like 30 dead spiders and 3 disarmed traps before I moved 30' into the Nashkel mines. That was an intense fight)

Smarter mages seems to be working pretty well. Enemy mages give me all sorts of hell, and it is nice. (Chaos on my party and I accidentally killed Duke Eltan? Aww, man.)

Some items I just don't use, because they are too much, but some are pretty nice. Makes me feel like the level cap from BG1 is truly gone, since I get some extra punch to go with it.

The Finch and Gavin NPCs are extra-spiffy! Haven't gotten to any of the others yet, but Indira looks real nice, as does Kiera Silver-String and Jet'laya.  Finch especially is great. So far I like her more than any of the Bioware ones. I just wish she had more to say. Haven't found the fifth book yet through, so maybe afterwards?

With the way some of the other fights have been improved, I am looking forward to Durlag's tower with much trepidation! This is a good thing.

I really like the inter-party dialogues. Imoen dressing up Xan was great, as well as Xan telling Finch that everything was pointless and her going "Oh dear".

Oh, also, the SCS ease of use AI has helped a fair amount as well.

Okay, that's all I have for now. Back later to edit in the weidu-log.