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Member Since 18 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2009 01:05 AM

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In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v6.0

18 April 2009 - 01:00 AM

Hello there everyone, I'd like to take this oppurtunity to thank the BWP team for this great collection and of course, for making it so stable to play.

I've found a minor annoyance in the "Realm of the BhaalSpawn" mod. It seems that one of the armors, RBPLAT02.itm has an interchanged General and Identified name. RBPLAT02 is supposed to be the "Blessed of the Triad" (the other two being the "Enchanted"-RBPLAT03 and the "Cursed"-RBPLAT04) but in-game it doesn't show up with a name. I tried to edit the values and interchange them but NI keeps giving me a HeapsOutOfBounds error or something while reading the dialog.tlk (Good thing I made a backup :P). Here are RBPLAT02 and RBPLAT03 as in my pc. This hasn't been reported before so I have my doubts of this being a one-off case.

If that is the case, I'll just redl the mod and make another BWP install. Seeing that there have been some new updates to the fixpack and thrown hammers, is a new BWP on the works soon?? :D Should I wait before reinstalling??

And can someone please direct me to a better mirror (working) for NeJ4.2b?? I've dled the entire 335 MB about 7 times!!! and it always shows corruptions at MXLeina.acm. I tried running a RAR recovery on the setup but the .tp2 doesn't extract.

Btw: About Thrown Hammers, I think I saw Miloch (or a guest that goes by his name) in the "Aurora's Shoes" forums here yesterday.