My plans were to ask the user to download the patch archive in advance (or just download it for them), then basically unrar it and roll it into the ps:t installation with WeiDU (using the language chosen when they installed), without any further interference (or requisite knowledge) required. So I wouldn't have hosted it, just rolled it into an integrated install.I am confused. Were you not "planning to include [my] mods as optional extras as part of the install"? That is essentially the same as hosting them elsewhere. If there is a substantive difference, please let me know, since it may change things.
But it seems pretty clear that for the fixpack this is going to be too difficult to get right, so I'll leave it out. People who know enough to deal with it can come here and install it themselves, after all. Perhaps sometime in the future if/when GemRB is nearer completion I'll have another look at the feasibility of rolling this work into the installer.
Thanks again
P.S. The installers, in case you're interested, will be announced in the next few days on the GemRB forum on Gibberlings3, and their current (unreleased) state of development can be seen at