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Member Since 31 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2009 11:23 AM

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In Topic: Assertion Failure

02 April 2009 - 06:38 AM

Many thanks for your quick answer, quys!
I did full instalation without the crack.
I have alreday read the topic about enableing non-standart resolutions.
I downloaded clever program called Everest which says that my card drivers maximal resolution is 1024x768. :crying:
Thats the reason I couldn't change my native resolution ....
Thanks again, guys, I give up.

or I'll finally force myself to buy new computer and throw this old crap out of the window. :devil:

In Topic: Assertion Failure

01 April 2009 - 01:08 AM

Hello guys! Could someone of you help me?

I have BIG problem, my problem's name is: AN ASSERTION FAILED :mellow:
It says this: "In F:\Torment\Source\chitin\ChVideo.cpp at line number 4322. Programmer says: No valid video modes supported."

I did following:

1. Clean install of the game (4 CDs vers)
2. Tinkering with CD 2,3,4 (moving them to game directory and setting correct path in torment.ini, although there is some CD 5 which I obviously DON'T possess...)
3. Installed official 1.1 patch
4. Installed the bigg's widescreen mod - 1280x768
5. Installed GhostDog's PST UI mod v1.0
6. Installed Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack v3.00
7. Installed PST Unfinished Business v3.00
8. Installed Qwinn's PST Tweak Pack v3.50

I have Win XP and ATI MOBILITY RADEON 7500 graphical card.
Also I think another thing counts: I installed PS:T on my crapy laptop which is connected to my "good" monitor:
15" LCD (XGA) CTX S500

Please I begging you: HELP ME! - see, I'm really despaired ;)

PS: maybe the problem lies in my external monitor, maybe your mods cannot force that desired resolution to my hardware. BUT I used to play games with resolution 1600x1200x32 with no problems at all ...