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Member Since 24 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2013 04:44 PM

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BWP crash when using BPSeries with some bp scripts.

14 December 2012 - 06:47 PM

Tactics install removing ROT main component. The crash occurs when using bp-TH, bp FT-TH, bp FT-CL, bp multi, bp ranged, bp RNG, and bp MG-TH; taking about 3 seconds for the crash to occur. Bp FT-CL takes slightly longer to crash possibly indicating the error is coming later in the script. BP Mage ran fine, as did BP PureF, and BP Bard.


The error from CHVideo.cp occurs after i die, probably indicating the video for that is missing as well.


This has occured over multiple reinstalls using BWS 20121202; Tactics selected, very few changes to install besides some things that were skipped by BWS during the install. Maybe i can try an install with fewer kits, as it may be an Innate that isn't set to level 1 by innate fix?