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Member Since 17 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2009 10:19 AM

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In Topic: Jaheira reverting back to BG1 stats and items

23 March 2009 - 10:56 AM

Here you are. Tested locally and works.

Excellent, thank you so much! Now I can get back to playing with (hopefully) no more problems ;)

In Topic: Jaheira reverting back to BG1 stats and items

19 March 2009 - 05:51 AM

I'd fix it if you could wait till this weekend. Otherwise, someone could give it a shot.

No problem, I'd like to test it on Monday, so if you or anyone else has time to look at it before then that would be great! :new_thumbs:

In Topic: Jaheira reverting back to BG1 stats and items

17 March 2009 - 11:13 AM

Hi there, I seem to have the same problem (wrong Jaheira shows up after having left with Meronia). I searched through this topic and a few others, but couldn't really identify a solution; I did manage to get the BG1 Jaheira to show up dead on the ground, but that's not really the effect I'm going for!

I've attached the .gam file from my save (saved after she leaves but before she returns), along with my log file of installed mods in case that's relevant. Also, the version of BGT I have installed is 1.07.

I'd be very grateful if someone (Ascension?) could fix this for me please - thanks!