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Member Since 09 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2009 06:56 PM

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In Topic: Chloe keeps leaving

07 April 2009 - 03:48 PM

Does it have anything to do with not talking to the captain? I read something about that earlier. I am sure I did as part of the Tanner murders - I don't see the captain in the Bridge district anymore..

Man, I miss Chloe - I want her lovin' so bad. :)

Nothing says "romance" like a dual weapon wielding woman with a book of poetry.


In Topic: Some Questions about Chloe's Romance

06 April 2009 - 07:03 PM

Okay... now something's weird happened. I just booted up the game to finish the final run on the elven city and i talked to Chloe to see if there's any change. First she goes off on my demanding we go save the slave Yrkai boy, despite having already slaugtered all the slavers and running into a dead end. Then i talk to her again and i get the normal flirt options, then an hour or so later i booted immy so i can grab some npcs to do their character specific quests and Chloe gets all pissed saying she'll go rescue the boy herself and bolts... now i dunno what the hell jsut happened, but i reloaded the game and when i talk to her she goes into the i'm off to save the boy screw you rant... methinks something is very run.

Must be the stars aligning.. http://www.shsforums...showtopic=39641


In Topic: Chloe Review

09 March 2009 - 06:30 PM

A fantastic and well thought out review Drake. Thanks for that.

This is my fifth time starting Baldur's Gate 2. Each other time I started it, I either got bogged down in work or lost interest (like when I installed the mods that made everything way too hard.. my own fault!).

Of all the mods I have used, Chloe is far and away the most outstanding. I haven't made it to ToB yet, and I am sad to see there will be no additional ToB component. I reckon Choe will stay though. :)

Biggest crack up with Chloe: explaining "being gay" to Minsc. "Boo is trying to explain it to me.. but I still don't understand!"

Wishing Lucy would say Hi again.. :)
