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Member Since 08 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2011 02:33 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Pictures of Oblivion Screenshots

25 March 2009 - 11:40 AM

:Bow: Stunning shots Floydian, they really are something special :)
Nice shots again Darziak, I love your little speech bubbles :lol:
And Kadaj, lovely shots as always :D (all of them :devil: ) Your girls have such lovely dresses and your guys are all so handsome :wub:
Some old ones from me, as I haven't been able to play lately (I wish I had as much spare time at home as I do at work :lol: )
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In Topic: Pictures of Oblivion Screenshots

23 March 2009 - 12:33 PM

A few more from me, though I will place them as links, as one contains male nudity, another m/m "almost touching" :whistling:

Please don't click these if you don't want to :) I don't want to offend anyone :hug:

Nudity follows!!

Posing nude
Would you like a hug?
Coming in for a kiss

In Topic: Gameplay Speed

21 March 2009 - 02:07 AM

Hmm, not sure how you could improve the speed of your game by a huge amount, but there is a mod called streamline which clears the memory more often than the game would itself, so it can help increase fps and although I noticed no difference in my game I do know people who swear by it, so it might be worth a try (the other thing to bear in mind is that it needs OBSE, so get that too).
There are also mods which reduce the polys on the grass models, but I won't link those since they can look quite bad!
That's all I can think of, I have a similar setup to you and I have just decided to put up with the terrible fps I get outdoors when lots of people are fighting! I am too vain and like my game to look as pretty as possible   :rolleyes:
On the other question, hair models are static, Oblivion will only allow rigged wigs, not rigged hair. That means when you character runs, crouches, poses etc, their hair will clip into their body. There are quite a few wig mods around now, but Growlfs Animated Hair is very good and it'll let you see what type of thing to expect


In Topic: Pictures of Oblivion Screenshots

21 March 2009 - 01:40 AM

Nice shots everyone :)
Darziak, your shots made me laugh :lol: (The ones that were supposed to :ermm: )

Kale is pretty generous most of the time "Who fancies a drink?"
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Sroth and Tholaa like posing for no reason ^_^
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so does Kira!
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Kira also likes the rain, it keeps the odd-balls indoors :D
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Anaxes sitting in the dark :rolleyes:
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And Victor is a complete tart!
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But he does have eyes for only one lady
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Phew, that was a long one!

In Topic: Pictures of Oblivion Screenshots

09 March 2009 - 07:14 AM

Hello everybody :)  
I can't believe I haven't come across this site before!!!

Oh well, here are a feew shots of Kira, one of my main characters, to get me started :cheers:
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