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Member Since 13 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2009 10:11 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Do not view PMs from "mignulikz"

12 April 2009 - 10:08 PM

Add jurdreda to the list.

A solution : Use a web blocking software (like they use in offices and schools) to block out the web address.

In Topic: We want your help!

16 February 2009 - 10:11 PM

You got it man. I mean, for Mac users at least, NWN2 is dead. (Until a patch) so it's either NWN1 (which sucks) or BG2. So, I have nothing better to do then play BG2 until Quicktime is fixed. Which isn't likely.

In Topic: We want your help!

14 February 2009 - 09:13 PM

I'll be sending some stuff.

In Topic: How do I run the OS X install script?

14 February 2009 - 09:12 PM

You can tell the Finder how to run a .sh file by right-clicking it and choose Open With -> Other... and selecting Applications/Utilities/Terminal. You can make this permanent by right-clicking the file, choose Get Info and select Terminal in the Open With tab. If you then press the Change All button, Finder will know what to do when you double-click any .sh file.

I figured, but it wouldn't do it. Renaming it to .command worked fine, and the mod runs perfect. I like the orc one the best. The quality is pretty crap though; the sound levels vary wildly from set to set. The voice actors are really good, but the recording seemed to miss a lot. And for a few, they had a weird "fuzz" over them - the Irreverent one comes to mind. (Kind of funny when Irenicus keeps killing him, and all he can say is, Fluffy, is that you? Over and over. And over. And over. And every time he dies. Over and Over and Over.) It's a great mod and a lot of fun, but it needed more polish.

In Topic: How do I run the OS X install script?

13 February 2009 - 09:24 PM

Thanks Steve! I'm going to add on to what you posted, which should be the definitive mac instal, which anyone should be able to do.

If you haven't already, move install_osx.sh and the soundsets folder into your Baldur's Gate folder. Then, edit the install_osx.sh file by right-clicking (or control-click) on it and choose Open With -> TextEdit. My Mac doesn't know what a .sh is, so you should be able to open it just by clicking on it.

Replace the contents of it with:

cd "${0%/*}"
echo "Installing PC Soundsets"
for path in soundsets/*/*.ogg; do
soundsets/sox $path sounds/${file%.ogg}.wav

Rename install_osx.sh to install_osx.command. Take the Sox file you got from the unzipped shs#soundsets file and toss it in the soundsets folder now found in your BG folder. This is important; the terminal fails without this. Double click the command, and go get a cookie. This is going to take about 5 minutes. You're done. Check in the sounds folder for files starting with f_ or m_ and doublecheck you got all of them. You can delete the soundsets folder since it's not needed anymore. All the added files start with f_ or m_ in case you want to delete some of them.

Thanks again!