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Member Since 10 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Oct 15 2012 11:09 AM

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MegaMod Install keeps stalling out repeatedly

08 October 2012 - 02:17 PM

Last night I decided to re-try the Megamod install, this time only doing Total Happiness Plus, as opposed to MegaMod. Problem is, after the downloading, extracting, and silent installs, the main install starts, and then stalls at the same point, and never progresses. I'm not sure what exactly is going on, but when it stalls out, if you mouse over the icon in the tool tray, it always says, "12_Process.au3, Line 332; sleep (750)", and pausing, unpausing, closing it and resuming, never changes it. I've tried reinstalling both BG and BG2, I've started them both up, making a save file in BG, BG Exp, BG2 SOA, and BG2 TOB. Can anyone explain why it now refuses to install without a displayed reason?

To clarify a point in the FAQ, while I never had to do any of this the first time it succesfully installed, the last few stalled attempts have occurred with the antivirus, web, and UAC off.

Suggested MegaMod installation?

26 September 2012 - 08:16 PM

Hey everyone. I hate to be another person asking for the "best" install of BigWorld, but here I am, asking. I'd like to know a stable version of the mod, (I know stability is very hard to achieve when combining so many mods), that adds a good number of content (well done, not just there to be there), but without absolutely oversaturating the game so it's easy and cheap. I'm not new to BG/BG2, but I'm new to modding it, and it's a bit overwhelming when compared to other Infinity Engine games. I dled the Bigworld installer that does it all for you, but I wasn't sure if any of the defaults were good/stable/well done, or what exactly covers which. Lastly, I have one last question, when those presets install things like tweak packs, are you not supposed to have input on what is installed and tweaked? I have no idea if it will ignore beneficial components, or install the more gamey ones, as they ask for no input. Thanks for any replies, and I hope this is the right location for my questions.