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Member Since 06 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 18 2011 09:48 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Crash when resting

08 August 2009 - 10:07 AM

I have the same problem, but in chapter 5, after the second dream. I have a strong suspicion,  that it is somehow connected with the sleep movies, because if there is an NPC's banter iterrupting the cutscene, the crash does not occur. Maybe somebody knows what can be done to remedy the problem?

In Topic: Bonehill Part 1 Bug Reports

16 April 2009 - 11:53 PM

Please use your CLUAConsole to retrieve a global for me. Type in CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("BHAlmaxSpeaks","GLOBAL") and post the result here. TIA. Also, did you complete any of the quests prior to speaking with Almax?

As you command :D BHALMAXSPEAKS set to 4 :coolthumb:

And I hadn't completed anything before speaking to him :P But yeah, I spoke to everyone in the area I arrived though. Then I went east and spoke to Almax's son before going through the tunnel and speaking with him.

Fixed locally for next release.

Hello! I have the same problem as Lollorian does. And I am sorry, but I did not understand whether I have to wait for the next release to fix it or there is a way to do something now. The mod is great and I would like to enjoy every bit of it.