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Member Since 03 Feb 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2009 07:15 PM

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In Topic: Cannot rest when Edwin becomes Edwina

21 February 2009 - 10:42 AM

That's strange... Then what is to blame?

BG2 tweak pack to blame :cheers:

finally I turned off the "more interjections" in that mod, it worked correct now. Hope u the same luck

In Topic: Cannot rest when Edwin becomes Edwina

21 February 2009 - 09:56 AM

It has happened each time I took Edwin along with a male PC. I believe the problem cures itself after Edwina changes back into a man... only to resurface in ToB.

I encounter the same problem...doesnot get fixed after changing back...doesnot get fixed while I deleted all local & globle variables related to edwin


Yea I did a test too to see if the CTD disappears after you change Edwina back to Edwin and it doesn't :( .

reinstalled the whole stuff except Edwin-Romance, the same result, maybe nothing to do with this mod

In Topic: Cannot rest when Edwin becomes Edwina

21 February 2009 - 04:36 AM

It has happened each time I took Edwin along with a male PC. I believe the problem cures itself after Edwina changes back into a man... only to resurface in ToB.

I encounter the same problem...doesnot get fixed after changing back...doesnot get fixed while I deleted all local & globle variables related to edwin


In Topic: Melf' minute meteors & gloves of mages

12 February 2009 - 09:49 PM

a bug?

I'm not certain what you're referring to. Could you perhaps provide a bit more detail as to what the bug is you think you have, and how DSotSC or NTotSC has caused it?

my bad...
the glove of magi is got from DSotSC(BGT), the final battle & I saw the effect of it will increase number of attacks by 1.
we know the magic of melf's minute meteors has the number of attacks of 5.

then I wanna take addvantage of both...eventually got number of attacks 1/2 :crying:

...from China, bad English, excuse me of that :rolleyes:

Have you attempted equiping yourself with a dagger and then the gloves and seeing if the gloves allow you an additional attack? It seems to work in my game. Melf's Minute Meteors will only allow you to attack UP TO 5 times per round, dependent on how many attacks you are allowed. If you only are allowed 1 attack you create 5 meteors and they'll last you for 5 rounds. If you put on the gloves, you should increase your attacks per round by one, and in the case above you could throw 2 of the meteors per round. Don't worry about the language.

many thanks for your hospitality...

I've tested again... edwin threw 1 meteor per time & very slow... then I believe in reality we get a 1/2 number of attacks of meteors... a bug?

In Topic: Melf' minute meteors & gloves of mages

12 February 2009 - 05:26 PM

a bug?

I'm not certain what you're referring to. Could you perhaps provide a bit more detail as to what the bug is you think you have, and how DSotSC or NTotSC has caused it?

my bad...
the glove of magi is got from DSotSC(BGT), the final battle & I saw the effect of it will increase number of attacks by 1.
we know the magic of melf's minute meteors has the number of attacks of 5.

then I wanna take addvantage of both...eventually got number of attacks 1/2 :crying:

...from China, bad English, excuse me of that :rolleyes: