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Member Since 22 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 29 2009 12:22 PM

Topics I've Started

Modding opposing schools in IWD?

26 January 2009 - 02:46 PM


does anybody know how to mod the opposing schools for wizards in IWD?
Grog did it in Aurils bane, but I didn't find the file he did it in, or any hints.
A hint for a FAQ that deals with this special subject would be fine as well, as I can sort out everything on myself then.

Thank you!

Problems with 1pp in IWD1

26 January 2009 - 02:18 PM

I used the two most recent installers.
I don't see much changes in IWD, but see some errors in the logs.
Most significantly, 1pp-Bucklers ™ and 1pp-Flaming Swords ™ don't show up.
I'm just a newbee, so please be patient, if I just messed up things myself (which will be the resulting analysis of the log, of course)
Logs added for your kind pleasure as zip... :whistling: hope they show up at SHS...

Conjurer - incompatible schools?

25 January 2009 - 01:56 PM

We just started IWD in multiplayer, modded with G3: IWDTweaks/UnfinishedBusiness/ItemUpgrade/Widescreen.
I also modded a throwing hammer +2 and a boomerang + 2 (the former a copy of the throwing axe +2, the latter modifying the hammer darts, which are crap anyway, while a boomerang is cool; both as blunt weapons, and returning to hand) into our game, to have some fun with the myriads of undead (no WeiDU yet, maybe later).
So far, everything is fine.
Just one thing: When my partner, playing a dual-classed human fighter-conjurer, tried to learn fireball, he wasn't able to learn that spell. :WTF:
I always thought, that - by the handbook - conjurers had only divination as their opposing school (not learning identify and such, which is ok - using "all items identified" mod :-)
Can anyone give me a hint? Did I miss something? Is it one of the mods perhaps? Can I find out with a modding tool myself - and with which one, just in case?
Or is there a "no opposing schools" mod for IWD somewhere? :whistling:

Thanks for your patience, have some :cookie: for your help! :)