Bergon's script has some invalid checks for Icar. Not sure if this would matter if Icar isn't in the party or not. However, I went ahead and fixed it. Also, Narcissa should talk to you after you finish with Rilithar. I have this now fixed as well. She also needed some dialog corrections. I didn't include those because you need to recompile and that requires reinstalling or using DLTCEP. But this should work for you.
Just place both in your override folder.
yes, Icar was in my group in piney bluff. i had PC, shadow, icar, rurik, dirbert, and terra for that game.
Do i need to start new games to take advantage of these updates, or is it good enough to use a save game from before entering piney bluff for bergon or mistmoor for narcissa? i'll load the files up and try from saves before i loaded those area maps i guess, and if that doesn't work i'll start a new game.