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Member Since 02 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Aug 16 2009 04:50 AM

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In Topic: Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)

11 July 2009 - 02:11 PM

Please do keep the reports coming though!

Well, since you've asked, here's even more strangeness of the planes:

35. Found an almost orphaned journal entry. When Aelwyn tells you "I, Aelwyn, would tell you something now", answer "Another time, perhaps". Yet you'll receive a journal record telling you that "A woman named Aelwyn told me that I had been, and possibly still was, a Member of the Society of Sensation... a Sensate." although she hasn't told you that. What's even stranger, this is the only dialog brunch when you're getting this journal record, while it must be quite the contrary.

36. Records for quest "Find Nemelle for Aelwyn" behave strangely. Get the quest "Find Aelwyn for Nemelle" from Nemelle, than talk to Aelwyn, she asks you to speak with Nemelle. You'll get the quest "Find Nemelle for Aelwyn" in the Completed (!) section with a text "I found Nemelle, but Aelwyn wants me to tell Nemelle where she's waiting for her, now." Speak with Nemelle, quest "Find Nemelle for Aelwyn" will remain in the Completed section, but now with a text "I reunited Aelwyn and Nemelle." (Although quest record text in the Completed section shouldn't change at all, I suppose). Finally, when you speak with Aelwyn and she thanks you, quest "Find Nemelle for Aelwyn" disappears from the Completed section, never to appear anywhere.

37. Quest "Obtain permission for Iannis to use Deionarra's sensory stone" disappears from Assigned when you've talked with Splinter about it, but won't appear in Completed until you've talked with Iannis again.

38. Matter-of-Course was duplicated: Diligence now walks with two identical bodyguards. No idea what caused it, but this is reproducible through saves, and early saves in Clerk's Ward show only one Matter-of-Course. Probably happened during conversations with Diligence or Matter-of-Course or entering Iannis's house. Or maybe it's not bug at all?

39. In Godsmen Armory, talking with Weapons Worker, the dialog brunch "I wonder if she'd talked to my friend Dak'kon here" and the subsequent answer by Dak'kon are available even if you've already talked with Kel'lera first, which is rather strange.

In Topic: Spell like habilities

09 July 2009 - 12:23 PM

Problem with that idea is, if you're a fighter or thief, the spell book screen is "grayed out".

But maybe it's possible to enable right click and navigation by arrows for grayed out spellbook. It may be even useful - for example for TNO who became fighter or thief, why he can't look at his spells?

It was just a remark to clarify my initial idea, I also personally think it's hard to implement and not worth the effort.

In Topic: Spell like habilities

09 July 2009 - 11:19 AM

Where would you suggest these descriptions be put?

The most logical place for them is in the spellbook. Maybe it's possible to introduce another "0" level of spells with the title "Spell-like abilities", accessible when you click on a left arrow button on a 1st level spells. From there, it's logical to show description on a right click on a corresponding spell.

But please don't be bothered with that if you have more important things to do. This is a minor improvement, and besides it'd be pretty hard to implement, I suppose.

In Topic: Factions (something for you all to argue about while I work)

06 July 2009 - 02:19 PM

Planescape 3rd edition rules clearly state:

A character may only be a member of one faction at a time and may only take feats from one faction - if for some reason a character should end up a member of two factions (such as if they are a spy), only one membership counts for purposes of feat and prestige class selection. Furthermore, even if a character is a member of a faction, they aren't considered a true member of a faction unless they back up that membership with belief. A DM is in their right to restrict faction membership or abilities based on a character's actions, and provide repercussions for those that go against the grain in a faction. Should a character lose membership in a faction, or otherwise indicate to the DM that their character has completely lost faith in the ideals of the faction, any feats or abilities granted by prestige classes that are indicated to be Faction-Dependent cease to function. Other class features, such as base attack and increased saving throws, remain. The character may regain lost abilities by rejoining the faction (almost always a difficult process) or joining another faction that also offers those abilities.

So, no Dead Truce or Sensory Touch for Anarchist infiltrators. Of course, this is a 3rd edition, not 2nd, but I doubt there will be differences on this matter.

Also, I'm strongly against multi-faction infiltration:

1. As you may see before, rules tell about "a member of two factions". They don't even regard the case when you are member of more than two.

2. Anarchist's infiltrator is supposed to be as ortodox member of faction he infiltrated as possible. If he draws more suspicion by behaving as Xaositect\Godsman\Dustman multifaction abomination, he is a bad Anarchist and spoils the mere fact of infiltration.

3. Faction membership is a public information, double public membership is against the laws of any faction.

4. There are some hints that public faction membership is identified by some kind of signs wearing on cloths, that could be seen by anyone. For example, Able Ponder-Thought wears such sign, and Keldor speaks of "a more favorable reaction from most folks you'll meet on the street", that makes me suggest that the reaction of people from Clerk's Ward was supposed to change by mere fact of Godsmen membership, but on a later stages developers just forgotten to implement it.

So, IMHO, the matter is quite simple. You may be a public member of only one faction. You may be an anarchist infiltrator, but only to one faction at the same time. If while changing factions you renounce your public faction, you remain anarchist. If you renounce anarchists, you can't be anarchist any more.

In Topic: Known Issues 3.02 (report bugs here)

05 July 2009 - 11:21 PM

Do you mean if you try to click the door again?

Nope, I don't try to click the door again. The weird thing, this "This door is locked." message just floats above the party when you finish dream and are teleported back to Foundry. So my guess it will be visible for every person watching dreams with UB mod.