I bought Planescape and Icewind Dale treo of games for my wife, who loves Baldurs Gate I and II, Oblivion, and similar games. She had researched and decided these sounded likely candidates.
I managed to get Planescape to run on her superfast modern XP with an nVidia 512 MB card by turning off sound hardware acceleration completely, and notching video hardware accel down one notch. If you lowered the video too far, the mouse started to leave trails, screen could not repaint. Hopefully it will work, we shall see.
But the attempt to put the Icewind Dale games was a total, heartless disaster. Even with accel off on sound and video, and Win 98 compatibility set, it would either launch, but you could not start a game, it would crash to small black rectangle in upper left of screen and you had to kill the task; or in Win 93 compat mode, it just blanked/blacked the entire screen, and it was a task requiring patience to get the task manager to come up and kill.
Fortunately for her, I retained my final Win98 SE clean build on a Pentium III with 759MB RAM on a nice Super Micro board. I just fired it up, installed the first Dale, and it fired up just fine.
Why have a couple boxes of old games if you can't play them again someday? How nostalgic to fire up that Win98 machine. It can still even authenticate to the Active Directory domain I run on our network at home, but I don't think I will be driving it out on the Internet anymore.

Have a great holiday season!