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White Agnus

Member Since 27 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active May 17 2017 02:45 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Scripting Help Needed!

24 January 2016 - 12:35 AM

I've updated the code above, there are new parameters (in the array) to define if the value should be added/substracted... ;)

In Topic: Scripting Help Needed!

23 January 2016 - 10:11 AM

COPY_EXISTING ~worldmap.wmp~ ~override~
PATCH_DEFINE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY move_coordinates BEGIN //define array move_coordinates
  //the dummy is needed, because the first argument must be unique in a associative array  
  //dummy , x  , y, n/p x value, n/p y value => areaname		
	dummy1, 100, 100, nx, py => AR4300
	dummy2, 100, 100, px, ny => AR4400
PHP_EACH move_coordinates AS cord => aname //go through the array move_coordinates
	GET_OFFSET_ARRAY are_array WMP_AREAS //get predefined array WMP_AREAS
	PHP_EACH are_array AS are_num => are_offset //go through the array WMP_AREAS
	READ_ASCII are_offset are_name //write area reference in variable
		PATCH_IF ~%are_name%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~%aname%~ //check if the area_name has the same value as aname from the move_coordinates array
			READ_LONG are_offset+0x38 xcord //read X coordinate into xcord variable
			READ_LONG are_offset+0x3c ycord //read Y coordinate into xcord variable
			PATCH_IF ~%cord_3%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~px~ //if the xcord should be added
				WRITE_LONG are_offset+0x38 (xcord+%cord_1%) //write X coordinate + second parameter (cord_0 would bec dummy1/2 in this case) from the move_coordinates array
			PATCH_IF ~%cord_4%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~py~ //if the ycord should be added
			WRITE_LONG are_offset+0x3c (ycord+%cord_2%) //write Y coordinate + third parameter from the move_coordinates array
			PATCH_IF ~%cord_3%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~nx~ //if the xcord should be subtracted
				WRITE_LONG are_offset+0x38 (xcord - %cord_1%) //write X coordinate - second parameter (cord_0 would bec dummy1/2 in this case) from the move_coordinates array
			PATCH_IF ~%cord_4%~ STRING_EQUAL_CASE ~ny~ //if the ycord should be subtracted
			WRITE_LONG are_offset+0x3c (ycord - %cord_2%) //write Y coordinate - third parameter from the move_coordinates array


Try something like this:


If you want to add an area for moving, add a line to the move_coordinates array... ;)

In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

20 January 2016 - 09:25 AM

* Added:  White Agnus' Mur'Neth String Fixer (for German language only) for BG:EE, BGT, EET


Only wanted to let you know, that the fix is not needed, if the fixpack applied the iconv patch to Mur'Neth... (and there is no BGT compatibility, the fix only searchs for the ANSI strings in the tlk and replaces them with UTF8-without BoM strings) ;)

In Topic: Why are these mods Expert mods?

09 January 2016 - 01:41 PM

Thanks White Agnus!  Fixes are always welcome.

Hmm, looked through my fixed files, but I found a problem, how to implement it...
I think BWS will rename the Helarine_BGEE.tp2 to setup-JklHel.tp2, but if someone doesn't use BWS to install the mod, the fixes couldn't applied, if only BWFixpack is used.... (Any idea, how to handle this? :D)

I don't remember why it was done, but I think renaming can be disabled.

Hmm, maybe, because the mod only could be installed through the "bgee_install_helarine_setup.bat" if the tp2 is not renamed? :D
Will push my changes to BWFixpack tommorow... ;)

In Topic: Why are these mods Expert mods?

04 January 2016 - 01:21 PM

Thanks White Agnus!  Fixes are always welcome.


Hmm, looked through my fixed files, but I found a problem, how to implement it...

I think BWS will rename the Helarine_BGEE.tp2 to setup-JklHel.tp2, but if someone doesn't use BWS to install the mod, the fixes couldn't applied, if only BWFixpack is used.... (Any idea, how to handle this? :D)



forced down a linear story >>> that was one of the issues, the ToB romances (at least Jaheira, Viconia and some others) follow the linear structure) The mod makes an attempt here to adapt them to any possible storyline but fails, so those romances may get stuck or jumping to illogical points.e. the mod also bugs other mods.


These are not the only issues, I got stuck in "The Witch of the Wealdath", because I had some male mod NPCs in my group, which didn't shapeshift.

I got stuck after I killed Yaga-Shura, because there was some variables set, when I didn't kill Gromnir... 

Like I said, good ideas, but messy as hell. :D