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In Topic: Compatible Mods
12 November 2004 - 05:46 PM
In Topic: Missing Plot Person?
07 November 2004 - 07:25 AM
Actually, the little boy isn't spawning for me either (although we've already determined that my game is a bit wonky this playthrough). What's the CLUA code for getting him to spawn?
You could try CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("barvon") or CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("DekkieLetter","GLOBAL",1)
Either one should do it.
Thanks! That worked, and the rest of Dekkie's appearances flowed smoothly.
One comment; Dekkie approached me in the Bridge section when I was fending off some thugs, and instigated conversation with me even though I was in the middle of a fight. It's a Looooong conversation, which is hard to deal with when someone is pounding you over the head. You might want a code that would have him stand off to the side and fire with his crossbow if hostiles are in the area. Terl (? the messenger from Anomen's father) stands back and shoots arrows if he spawns when the party is engaged in a fight.
In Topic: Lich Fight
07 November 2004 - 07:19 AM
And... Why does Mr D just stand there and refuse to talk to my PC and the other characters until I have to mow down all of the apprentices?!
He *should* talk to you as soon as he arrives.
He has done this to me every time I've played through the mod, even during the beta-test stage. I didn't report it because I thought he was just observing and wasn't supposed to jump in until I asked for help. I do have to instigate conversation with him before I get the "Here! Catch!" comment.
In Topic: Misc. Edwin/SOA Questions
07 November 2004 - 07:14 AM
Hmmm, I think it has advanced far enough, my PC "met" his mother. . . and they had been, caught in the act as it were. The hair charm has also been given to the PC as a gift. . . I'll have to try & find a saved game further back and go thru the Bohdi's "guantlet" again. Thanks for your reply!
Well, the romance was far enough, then. Did someone else say something about the change?
Just played through Spellhold yesterday, and had Tasha (elven mod) comment on the change rather than Eddie.
It often seems that the person who comments is the closest to the PC when the Slayer change happens, rather than the person s/he is involved with.
In Topic: Missing Plot Person?
05 November 2004 - 08:44 PM
Alright. Sigh. I am convinced this needs some serious looking into... I bet I overindulged with GLOBALS and You-know-Who spawning can be simplified ( I did the same with demon Abaia in LR, so I bet I need to clean up the GLOBALS)
Actually, the little boy isn't spawning for me either (although we've already determined that my game is a bit wonky this playthrough). What's the CLUA code for getting him to spawn?
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