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Member Since 25 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2013 01:08 AM

Topics I've Started

About Bards.

21 July 2012 - 08:31 PM


I'd like to suggest something for Bards.

Even though RR did many great works for Bards and I've played each kit many times, I felt that Bards still look less attractive. Their identity can be summarized as "Songs and spell casting ability with weapons".

The revised songs were very good enough imo, but, I think that the current "song or fight" combat strategy of Bards makes them to be merely useful, especially when the characters are low level. So...

I thought the Lingering song HLA would be better to come at low level and normal ability as IWD2 did (the feat can be obtained very early time comparing with the HLA).

Secondly, I felt that Bards should be allowed both wearing 'something' and 'casting spells'. It means that Bards might be able to cast spells with wearing leather armors, or Bards might be able to wear robes.

Since Bards cannot wear robes and cannot cast spells wearing leather armors, they become 'archer' without wearing anything in early of game. Even though they are allowed to do dual wielding by RR, they hardly did in my game playing. Mmm...

But, yes, Bards get more and more be useful indeed according to their level up. I just felt a little sorry about their early time playing.

What do you think about these?

Strange behavior of Sirines.

20 July 2012 - 07:13 AM


I'm playing BG1 part now and I met Sirines in AR3600 (Lighthouse).

I was solo-playing to Bounty Hunter and I was trying to attack Sirines using X-bows.

They shapeshifted into Mustard Jelly as aTweak does, but they...

The Mustard Jellies was just trying to crawl towards Bounty Hunter for a while, and they used a special ability (maybe called forg cloud?) even though my character is far away enough not to be affected by the effect.

The Mustard Jelly never dealt with me using normal attack. In addition, the Mustard Jelly used the special ability out of range and target itself, not me unlike Sirine (Sirine form) did, (Sirine's fog cloud always aims to the one of player's characters).

Long story short, the Mustard Jelly shapeshifted by Sirine shows strange behavior unlike the normal Mustard jelly (e.g., the jelly summoned by a mage who can meet after Nashkel Mines quest).

Could you check this issue? Is the behavior intended?

Thanks for the update!

02 January 2012 - 06:21 PM

Thank you for updating this amazing mod!

Btw, when I had played BG with Refinements long times ago, Water elemental, which is the one of creature added by the mod, had very very slow movement speed. Is it fixed? Or, is it on purpose? :D