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Member Since 02 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 10 2024 11:30 AM

Topics I've Started

Things that prevent WeiDU successor?

12 March 2024 - 04:39 AM

This is a long overdue post, let's have a loose discussion about this. What do you think are the core bricks that prevent WeiDU successor or alternative?
My own would be:

- It's too late for a new thing to attract attention, no matter how good it would be.

- It's too much work to learn new, shiny things even just for fun.

- WeiDU interoperability with dialogs added from other mods, you either recreate it or you can forget about adding cross-mod content.

- WeiDU backup system, you either recreate it completely or fail to uninstall/reinstall a mod.

- Lack of accompanying tools that are specifically created for WeiDU.

- Lack of a mod manager that can install WeiDU mods along with mods that are using other 'modding frameworks'.


Those are some loose examples from my memory. I'm not sure about the weight of each thing, or how it affects the subject and I would love to hear your thoughts!

Shadows over Soubar v2.0

06 December 2023 - 01:53 PM

Shadows over Soubar has been updated to version 2.0. This major update brings many fixes, improvements and new component: Alternative Soubar area from the "World of Baldur's Gate" modification - designed and modeled by Cuttooth, with effects enrichment and ideas by Dradiel, and integrated into the mod by Roberciiik. Many thanks to Roberciiik and Wegio for their work!


By Roberciiik:
- Alternative Soubar area from the "World of Baldur's Gate" modification - designed and modeled by Cuttooth, with effects enrichment and ideas by Dradiel, and integrated into the mod by Roberciiik.
- Biffing is now an optional installation component.
- Fixed militia training quest when only 9 new guards are trained.
- Fixed CTDs in AR4261, AR4260, and AR4258 areas.
- Restored TIS and MOS files of Soubar for oBG2 and Lyrar's Castle TIS for BG2:EE.
- Fixed a visual bug in Sir William's house (AR1004) in oBG2.
- Updated the worldmap position of areas for Chionthar, Soubar, and Lyrar's Hold.
- Corrected automap notes in Soubar and Soubar prison.
- Traified missing lines (setup, kit name, debug prints).
- Added missing identified descriptions to some letters.
- Moved movies to the language directory so the local language version can replace them.
- Moved some NPC sound files to the language directory - the local language version can now replace them.

- Introduce immutability and encapsulation.
- Fix mod uninstallation: now all mod files should be removed from override during uninstallation.
- Fixed copying of the MVE folder.
- Uses the %MOD_FOLDER% automatic variable.
- Uses labels for component requirements statements.
- Simplified the mod ID where possible.
- Renamed the mod folder from "SOS" to "SoS" to match the mod name.
- Renamed "setup-SOS.tp2" to "SoS.tp2".
- Updated iconv and replaced it with a static build.
- Updated the readme file to use the latest templates.
- Updated the metadata file to use the latest template.
- Change HANDLE_CHARSETS to use from_UTF8 and adjust tra files.
- Fixed HANDLE_CHARSETS execution on EET.
- Fixed encoding problems by replacing ű with û.
- Updated add_worldmap_tbl.
- Fixed adding areas to the cheat table.
- Remove the custom kit.ids fixer and use the latest from BG2Fixpack.
- Remove additional backup of *.tlk files.
- Standardize folder names and file extensions.
- Made cosmetic changes to the readme files.
- Added 'outdated' to outdated readme files.
- Replace tabs with spaces.
- Removed redundant files.

By Weigo:
- Added sounds from ogg2 (only if they are missing).
- Changed AR4230(N).mos files for EE and non-EE version (EE has larger images).
- Changed tiz format to tbc format.
- Added a7_tools.tpa by Argent77 for HANDLE_TILECONV function.
- Added in %MOD_FOLDER%/Tools/Tileconv all tileconv versions.



Edwin Romance updated to 4.0

04 December 2023 - 12:04 PM

Edwin Romance updates to v4.0,
- The mod data folder was renamed from "Edwin" to "EdwinRomance" to match tp2 basename.
- Added Infinity Auto Packager.
Note: While the rename was done in the safest manner, please remember to uninstall the old version of the mod, and cleanup the remaining mod files before you extract the new version.