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Member Since 17 Jul 2008
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Help in installing Big Picture Mods without installing BGT

17 July 2008 - 08:18 PM

I recently got a bit of a desire to play BG2 again, and decided to see what mods were out there. Wow. There certainly are a lot of them, and I'd like to play any of them that seem of interest.

Here's my issue: Ideally, I'd like to not go the BGT route, because I have limited room on this hard drive, no copy of TotSC, and no real desire to play BG1 again. I'd like to install TDD, SOS, TS, and the Big Picture, which I can find help on. I'd also like to install Never Ending Journey, and maybe Check the Bodies (I read a somewhat eh review of this last one, but if it isn't chockablock with typos and doesn't unbalance the game too much, I'd like to play it). And a few other things (Planar Sphere, Freedom's Reign and Reign of Virtue, Ajoc's Minimod, Mordan's Xmas, and Redemption), all of which I hear are safe as houses for use with BP.

So my questions:

1. can I install all of these without installing BGT or do I need to find a copy of TotSC?
2. can/how do I add NEJ/CtB atop the BP mods?
3. anything else I need (I think I need a new world map?)?
4. are there any other mods that will work with this I should check out?
5. is there a step by step guide for doing this? I'm comfortable with modifying files via a text editor, and moving things around. I'd prefer to not hex edit, but I'm not 100% opposed to it either.

Thanks in advance for any help on this - I keep finding a lot of old/conflicting info, and I'd really rather just come here and get the right answer without having to fight with 87,000 different install files.
