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Member Since 25 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2009 03:10 AM

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In Topic: The BiG World Project

28 June 2008 - 04:35 PM

Yep, that did it. Manually inserting the language.txt file into the BGT folder was all that was needed. I don't know if my combo US/UK versions were why the BWP program was skipping over it, but that was the problem. All seems to be working fine now. Many thanks for all the help, everyone.

In Topic: The BiG World Project

28 June 2008 - 01:12 PM

A solo install of BGT works just fine and creates the language.txt file just as it should. It is the BWP install that is not doing it properly. For some reason it appears to be somehow skipping the language.txt creation step, and that is screwing the rest of it up. The only thing I can think of is that I have a combination of US and UK versions of BG1/TotSC. I grew up in the UK and have a UK copy of BG1. However, I have lived in the US for a long time and my TotSC, BG2, and ToB are all US products. This has never caused me a problem of any kind, but perhaps it is the reason. I am going to attempt to run the BWP installation after manually inserting the language.txt file and see what happens.

In Topic: The BiG World Project

27 June 2008 - 05:54 AM

Both before and after, since I've got copies that are pre- and post- install. The file isn't there for either. I'll try a stand-alone BGT installation and report back. I will also re-download a fresh copy of BGT to make absolutely sure there isn't something wrong with my current one (though I've already done this once).

Thanks again for the continuing help.

In Topic: The BiG World Project

27 June 2008 - 03:02 AM

There is no language.txt inside the BGT folder, but the BGT folder does have a Language subfolder. The subfolder itself has no files in it, but has 10 subfolders, one for each language. Those folders themselves have a PreSetup folder (plus others) with the 003.txt, etc. Should I be taking all the files out of the sub-subfolder and putting them in the root Language subfolder? Why isn't this happening automatically?

In Topic: The BiG World Project

26 June 2008 - 07:43 PM

Alright, this got a little more interesting. I tried running BG1 and got an error before the game even started, even before the Black Isle video plays. So, I figured it was a corrupted BG1 installation. I uninstalled BG1 and installed a fresh copy. I then tested it by making a character and starting up a game, which worked just fine. With BG1 working, I then restarted the BWP installation into a fresh BG2 install folder. I noticed after the BGT section that there was still no BG1ARE.bif file in the data directory, but I figured I would let it finish just in case. After the entire thing finished, I tested BG2 and encountered the same problem as before. Now, here's the interesting part: I then went and checked BG1 and it is now corrupted and will not start, just like I found it after my first installation attempt.

My initial thought was that this has something to do with the fact that I'm installing BG1 on D: when the default is C:. However, I gave the BWP install the proper folder address. Plus, the BWP install process clearly corrupted the BG1 installation, so it must have found the thing. This is the error I now get when trying to start up BG1:

An Assertion failed in D:\Dev\chitin\ChDimm.cpp at line number 581
Programmer says: Unable to Open BIF:data\SFXSound.bif

For the record, BG1 is installed at: D:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate

Any ideas what's going on here?