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Member Since 10 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 16 2009 10:08 PM

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In Topic: Oblivion is getting boring for me...

07 August 2008 - 08:04 PM

You don't know how bad my PC is, even with Streamline, Low-poly Grass and lots of others, my Oblivion still runs slow. What does 3 frames per second tell you?

I got to the same point as you did. Then I tried mods... And was totally flabergasted to experience a complete new game (graphics, mods, monsters, quests and many new stuff and functionalities). But now my laptop is dying as I've played too much: it shuts down unexpectedly during game play, I think I burned my hardware... SO, until I'd buy a new PC with a super graphics board, I've decided to learn about MODDING... And from then on, all the fun with Oblivion came back, only in a different way: building new stuff and quests and such... :). Try it...