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Member Since 06 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2014 01:13 AM

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In Topic: Imprisonment deletes character names...

09 January 2014 - 06:28 PM

@Miloch, you're probably right about the typo.

@micbaldur: I had a few CTDs around liches that were probably caused by mazing Charname; I solved them creatively by use of multiple timestops. Charname was imprisoned without CTD once (Kangaxx), but I reloaded because I saw his name has disappeared. Thanks for the link; maybe those files will give me more clues as to what's going on in NI, but my odds of restoring the names still seem slim.


If anyone has any more insight, I'd be grateful.

In Topic: Imprisonment deletes character names...

08 January 2014 - 09:34 PM

Apologies for posting this topic anonymous - I didn't see I was logged out before.

I'll do it one better, and change-log SPWI910. It also happens to answer my question...


Improved Anvil. OK, my own stupid fault, I guess. But replacing the backup will not undo the damage caused to my characters...

I uploaded the SPWI910.SPL from my override (not the backup) in case anyone wants to help me further. I also noticed a curious file called SPWI910CRE there, too. It stands to reason that this will be related to my problem, and I doubt I have the know-how to undo the damage. I wanted to upload it, but I got the message "Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file". NearInfinity also lists it as Unsupported File Format... the best I can do, is paste the contents into a spoiler. The file doesn't even specify what type it is... creepy.


In Topic: AR0701, sewer CTD seconds after entry

12 December 2013 - 07:49 PM

[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 23108
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.
[WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"

FATAL ERROR: Not_found

Not as helpful as you might have hoped, I'm afraid. Instead of re-installing, I chose to rename an old version of scsII into folder "scsIIold", so that I could quickly install some new components from a more up-to-date scsII. Anyway, I did get tarnor.cre & tarnor.dlg from scsIIold/backup/230 and placed them into override; it seemed to make no difference, as the other 2 backups.


As for t-bg1anims.txt, I found none at the folder location you mentioned, nor anywhere else. Perhaps it has been biffed? But 2 .tpa files popped up in the search result, in D:\GAMES\Bioware\BGII - SoA\infinityanimations\lib AND in the same corresponding location in the Vecna/lib folder. I've uploaded them both in the hope it may be of help to people.

Attached File  t-bg1anims - Vecna.tpa   74.55K   235 downloads

Attached File  t-bg1anims.tpa   74.63K   227 downloads

In NI, tarnor's animation lists as "Unknown - 20738"


I've moved on from AR0701 already, being able to do most of the sewer quests by CLUAing creatures into AR0202 instead. Though I predict that many quests will involve the area, and it will cause me a lot of hassle in the future...


BTW, I could CLUA in tarnor.cre and there would be no CTD while paused. I ctrl-Y killed him so there was nothing but his dropped equipment, but the CTD still appeared when unpausing. Perhaps not a creature animation issue? His equipment: HELM04 (helmet of defense), PLAT14 (full plate +1), SHLD29 (medium shield +1), AX1H08 (Hangard's Axe +2), 2xquick item RNDTRE05 (No such index) & POTN52 (potion of healing).

In Topic: AR0701, sewer CTD seconds after entry

12 December 2013 - 08:58 AM

Found it. TARNOR.CRE CLUAs in as a jelly-sized blue circle, while Tarnor is a HatchetMAN. It causes a CTD on the map my party is standing in. I'll try replacing the .CRE with previous backups.

In Topic: AR0701, sewer CTD seconds after entry

12 December 2013 - 08:17 AM

None of them work.... crap. Now I have no idea what it could be. Nothing in my game so far caused a CTD.

Perhaps I'll look into the spawned creatures. I'll CLUA them in one by one and see if any cause a crash...